John van Zyl: Fighting Men of Rhodesia, Episode 219 - LCpl Alistair Bushney, 3 (Indep) Coy RR. Excellent Interview of a Great Warrior and Person
Wonderful video interview of LCpl Bushney by John Van Zyl, continuing his series of interviews of Rhodesian warfighters. It is important to document the history of Rhodesia so that it is not lost, or mischaracterized by Closet Commies and the Marxist Mob.
When Hollywood tries to present an advanced African country called Wakanda, what they are really trying to portray is Rhodesia. It was the Breadbasket of Africa, and the Jewel of Africa. It was a wonderful, productive, successful nation built by hardy pioneers, sweat, determination, and farsighted leadership.
What destroyed this beautiful country? Closet Commies in Western Nations who hated seeing a prosperous African nation that was not dependent on aid. They stoked Anti-White racism and Europhobic Bigotry, encouring Marxist terrorists supported by China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union. They stabbed Rhodesia in the back, and instead created the dictatorship of Zimbabwe.
"Thank you for your experiences and stories, Alistair it was great hearing your exploits and stories. Thanks John for another great historical episode. You guys were a bunch of naughty buggers."
"Brilliant interview and Brilliant Humour... I can well imagine the Nonsense those two Buggers got up to.. "
"Thanks guys!! What a great personality!!! great stories and history lesson! Appreciate"
"Wonderful stories and experiences.Truly pair of skates ek se. Thank you for highly entertaining interview."
"Thank you...great stories...looks like the type of guy you find right in the middle of mischief!!!...great interview"
"Alistair Thanks so much for clarifying the Nyangombe Battle, In Truth and Transparency"
It's Okay to Be White
White Lives Matter
Diversity is a Code Word for White Genocide
Anti-Racist is a Code Word for Anti-White
Make Zimbabwe Rhodesia Again
Make Rhodesia Great Again
End Eurocide
Fight back against Europhobic bigotry
Oppose Those Who Would Defame Our History and Rich Cultural Heritage. Stop Eurocide. Fight back against Europhobia and Anglophobia.
Say NO to White Genocide
Multiculturalism is the Replacement of European peoples
We Can't Restore Western Civilization With non-Western Babies
We Have a Patriotic Duty to Stop Genocide Against our People
We Must Secure the Existence of our People and a Future for White Children
Because the Beauty of the White Aryan Woman Must Not Perish From the Earth

Grateful to John Van Zyl for preserving the precious memory of the Rhodesian Freedom Fighters who pushes back the Communists for decades.

The Heroism of men fighting Marxism like Alistair Bushney will live on and inspire future generations.

It is important to remember our heritage, and not let the Europhobic social Marxists and Anti-White closet Commies tease it

Thanks for posting. It would be a shame to lose that history to time,