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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Feb 14, 2025, Ingrid Rimland’s Story.Books; DRESDEN, 80 Yrs After; TMOGV, Ch 22, Dresden

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gepubliceerd op 14 Feb 2025 / In Mensen en blogs

*** Ingrid Rimland-Zundel - There Were No Gas Chambers - Just Showers, Feb 9, 2025
Ernst Zundel Interviews Ingrid Rimland -
“The German Soldiers were heroes” - Ingrid Rimland Zündel -
LEBENSRAUM TRILOGY, Book Series, Ingrid Rimland
Book #1: A Passion for Land and Peace
Book #2: The Theft of Land and Peace
Book #3: The Dream of Land and Peace

*** THE DRESDEN HOLOCAUST, 80 YEARS AFTER, Patrick O’Carroll: The evisceration of Dresden by the Zionist powers (GB, US) was probably the most heinous atrocity ever recorded. Based on the Red Cross gold standard, there were 0.11 million victims who died tragically in the Jewish Holocaust (104,575 in the camps, plus about 5,000 shot). So, by numbers alone, that would make the Dresden Holocaust (with 340,000 or, more likely, 550,000 victims) THREE or, more likely, FIVE times worse. .... The bottom line is that Dresden Holocaust was a Talmudic human-sacrifice ritual fostered by its main architect, Winston Churchill, and his Rothschild-Zionist-Handlers. This was merciless Talmudic Warfare (meaning Total War, Human Sacrifice, and Collective Punishment, all pursuant to the Talmud). And the Zionists have never been obliged to change their behavior in 80 years. (See complete article below)
*** Harrowing World War Two Archive Footage Shows 1945 Allied Bombing of Dresden Daily Mail (Britain)
*** Dresden 1945: The Devil's Tinderbox Charles Lutton - Institute for Historical Review

*** THE MYTH OF GERMAN VILLAINY, Benton L. Bradberry, Chapter 22: The Allied Goal? Destruction of Germany
DRESDEN: Near the end of the war, most of big cities and towns in Germany had already been destroyed, so small towns and villages were now being targeted for no reason except they had not been bombed. Thousands of innocent German civilians suffered horrific deaths every day and every night for no reason except the whim of the staff officer who more or less arbitrarily chose their town as that day’s target. Everyone employed within the giant bombing apparatus continued to do the job assigned, and no one in authority told them to stop, so the bombing continued, day after day, night after night. Oxford’s Professor of Modern History Norman Stone wrote in the Daily Mail: Already, by 1944 . . . [W]e went on bombing German cities months and months after it had been clear that we would win, and that Stalin would be as potentially deadly an enemy. Some of the bombing was just pointless. In the last days of the war, we struck at the old gingerbread towns south of Wurzburg, where there was no military target at all . . . just refugees, women, and children. Of these acts of gratuitous sadism, the worst was the bombing of Dresden. (The Catholic holiday on February 14 is Saint Valentine's Day, a celebration of the martyr Saint Valentine of Rome.)

Dresden, called Elbflorenz (Florence on the Elbe), was one of the most beautiful cities in Europe before it was bombed, a cultural center filled with elegant palaces, cathedrals, and statues. It was a fairy tale city, with winding cobblestone streets, church steeples, and gingerbread houses. It had no military significance whatsoever. In the last year of the war, it had been a hospital city, caring for thousands of wounded German soldiers. Not a single German military unit was stationed there. In the early weeks of 1945, the coldest winter in a century, hundreds of thousands of refugees flooded into Dresden to escape the advancing Red Army. The inhabitants of Dresden took in as many of these poor souls as possible, but it was not possible to take them all in. Hundreds of thousands of frightened, hungry, desperate refugees concentrated in the Old Town, camping out on the sidewalks and in every garden and every city park. They slept on the ground huddled together to keep from freezing to death. Children whimpered and begged for food. City social services were overwhelmed, though they did all they could to try to feed and care for them. Then the bombers came. The first wave of bombers was British, which arrived over the city at 10 p.m. February 13, 1945, dropping thousands of huge, high-explosive bombs on Old Town, thick with refugees, to blast the roofs off buildings in preparation for incendiary bombs, which were to follow close behind. The high-explosive bombs knocked out the air raid warning system, destroyed fire stations, broke water mains, and caused massive destruction and death. Crowds of refugees had no place to run to and hide. Then came the bombers loaded with incendiary bombs, which turned Old Town into a howling ocean of fire. Air temperatures rose to 1,100̊ F. Winds up to 100 miles per hour sucked all oxygen into the center of the storm. Scores of thousands were burned alive. This late in the war, the science of bombing had been well worked out. The Pattern of bombs dropped by the British were designed to produce a “firestorm,” and the Dresden firestorm was one of the most spectacular of the war Thousands suffocated in cellars as the oxygen was sucked out by the flames outside. Thousands more were hurled into the air like rag dolls and sucked by the ferocious winds right into the inferno. The air suction of the firestorms was so strong they uprooted trees and lifted roofs from houses miles away. U9er panic struck the people. Horses reared and ran into the crowds. Wild animals such as lions and tigers escaped from broken enclosures of the zoo and ran into the terrified crowds. Huge snakes slithered between the feet of those fleeing. Hospital trains, still filled with wounded soldiers from the front, were burning and tried to pull out of the station, and in the process severed limbs from young children who had sought cover from the bombs underneath the trains. The next wave of bombers came three hours later with high explosives and anti-personnel bombs. The spacing of the waves of bombers, as well as the types of bombs dropped, were carefully calculated to produce the highest kill rate possible. This third wave of bombers caught the emergency crews and fire crews—as well as throngs of those escaping the fires—out in the open, as planned. The result was a slaughter.

The next day, the U.S. Eighth Air Force completed the destruction of the city. During the bombing, a total of 1,300 British and U.S. heavy bombers dropped nearly 4,000 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on Dresden. The most disgraceful episode of the aerial attack were the P-51s that followed the wave of B-17s. Swarms fleeing the bombs and seeking refuge on the banks of the Elbe River were strafed by the Mustangs; piles of bodies were lying everywhere along the banks as a result of the strafing. This is how one eyewitness described it: “. . . scores of Mustang fighters diving low over the people huddled on the banks of the Elbe, as well as on the larger lawns of the Grosse Garden, in order to shoot them up.”

The city was obliterated—90% of the historic city center was destroyed—and there were so many dead bodies the German Army sent units in to gather them up, pile them onto funeral pyres made from lengths of railroad tracks, and burn them. American POWs held in the city were brought in to assist. Kurt Vonnegut, the American author of 1969’s Slaughterhouse-Five, was one of them They went through the cellars and pulled out all those who had suffocated or burned to death and then burned them. There were so many bodies it took weeks to finish the job. They piled up dead soldiers, young and old women, boys in short pants, girls with long braids, Red Cross nurses, babies. The pyres burned day and night. No one will ever know the total number of civilian casualties resulting from the bombing of Dresden because of the countless refugees who had taken refuge in the city, but estimates have ranged as high as 500,000. David Irving, who wrote the first authoritative book on this, estimates the number at 135,000. [DKK--Way too low] There was no military necessity for the bombing of Dresden, it was simple mass murder of a people most were programmed to hate as the result of Jewish anti-German propaganda. Yet, the bombing of cities and towns continued, even as the Reich was collapsing. Those who planned and carried out these bombing raids were and are war criminals by anyone’s definition! While the Simon Wiesenthals and other Jewish Nazi hunters are still combing the world’s geriatric wards for German “war criminals”—who may only have served their country in time of war—one should think about the crime of Dresden, and the hundreds of other cities and towns blown to bits and burned to the ground, for no reason except malice.

One more thing ... On February 23, just 10 days after Dresden’s holocaust, British bombers attacked the tiny town of Pforzheim—nicknamed the “Golden City” due to its jewelry and watch-making industry—with its 63,000 inhabitants. Nearly one third of the town’s residents, 17,600, were killed, and about 83% of its buildings destroyed. These Another view from the Rathaus toward the southwest (September 17, 1945) attacks continued right up to the day Germany surrendered. Estimates of civilians killed in the bombing of Germany range to well over 1 million, possibly as high as 2 million, with millions more suffering horrible injuries. Near the end of the war when Germany was essentially defenseless and the bombing was most intense, German cities and towns, especially in the east, were teeming with masses of uncounted refugees fleeing the advancing Red Army; no one knows how many refugees even to the nearest million. Scores of thousands of these poor people were simply burned to a cinder in the fires resulting from the bombing, with no trace left behind, and therefore could not be counted. There has been a tendency in recent years to reduce the estimated number killed in deference to “political correctness.” Coming clean about the true nature of Allied atrocities against the Germans during the war is not a popular thing to do today. After all, we were the “good guys.” Churchill and Lindemann decided the RAF would concentrate its attacks on civilian instead of military targets. This is the result.

A million innocent German civilians like these were baked, fried, broiled, or blown to bits by the Allied bombing campaign, the great majority of whom were women, children, and the elderly. The point was to kill as many of them as possible. FDR, Churchill, Free French Forces Generals Charles de Gaulle and Henri Giraud, and Moroccan Sultan Muhammad V met for the January 14-24, 1943, Casablanca Conference for a strategy planning session. Only FDR and Churchill played major roles there; the others were not part of military planning. Stalin declined to attend, citing the ongoing Battle of Stalingrad. The most notable development to come out of Casablanca was FDR’s proclamation of “unconditional surrender” as Allied policy, as well as his and Churchill’s decision to increase strategic bombing of German cities. Faced with the demand for unconditional surrender, after which they would be subjected to the destructive and murderous Morgenthau Plan, Germany faced only two options: fight on and be destroyed, or surrender and be destroyed. Fighting on seemed the more honorable path to take. The Morgenthau Plan would dismantle Germany’s industry after the war and reduce it to a medieval, peasant society: “The Ruhr Area . . . the heart of German industrial power . . . should not only be stripped of all presently existing industries but so weakened . . . it can not in the foreseeable future become an industrial area.” Morgenthau’s assistant in Treasury was communist Jew Harry Dexter White, who actually drafted the Morgenthau Plan. According to John T. Flynn, in his 1948 book, The Roosevelt Myth, White was a secret agent of the USSR and served as a conduit for top secret information to the Soviets. (This was proved to be true after perestroika, when access was gained to Soviet archives.) According to Flynn, communists who were fiercely loyal to the USSR held key positions in every department and agency of FDR’s administration, almost all of them Jews, who passed every secret immediately to the Soviets. They also received orders directly from Stalin. One of these Jewish Soviet agents was Nathan G. Silvermaster, an economist with the U.S. War Production Board (WPB) during WWII, and head of a large ring of communist spies in the U.S. government, where he provided the USSR with voluminous data on arms, aircraft, and
shipping production. Silvermaster sent, in June 1943, a WPB report on U.S. arms production, and in December 1944, a “50-page Top Secret War Production Board report . . . on arms production in the U.S.,” to Soviet intelligence. Silvermaster’s spy ring consisted of highly placed officials within FDR’s administration, including his wife Helen, White, Schlomer Adler, Norman Bursler, Frank Coe, Bela Gold, Sonia Gold, Lauchlin Currie, Irving Kaplan, Abraham Silverman, William Ullman, and Anatole Volkov—all Jews and all communists. White had unlimited access to the most secret information of the government, including the Secret Service, and he assiduously passed it to Jews who controlled the USSR. His personal secretary was communist Jewess Sonia Gold, supplied to him by Silvermaster.

*** REPOSTED THE DRESDEN HOLOCAUST, 80 YEARS AFTER, Patrick O’Carroll (Complete article): The evisceration of Dresden by the Zionist powers (GB, US) was probably the most heinous atrocity ever recorded. Based on the Red Cross gold standard, there were 0.11 million victims who died tragically in the Jewish Holocaust (104,575 in the camps, plus about 5,000 shot). So, by numbers alone, that would make the Dresden Holocaust (with 340,000 or, more likely, 550,000 victims) THREE or, more likely, FIVE times worse. In the months before the Zionist attacks, Dresden's population (normally about 630,000) had swelled to twice its normal size, mainly due to the influx of refugees from the Eastern Front and from territories that were still falling to the Bolshevik-Zionist Red Army, or had already fallen. Most of Dresden's victims were Germans, but many were also citizens of nations friendly to Germany, such as Hungarians, Slovaks, Croatians, Slovenians, Rumanians, Bulgarians, and even Finns. Dresden had long been known as "the Florence on the Elbe" or "das ElbFlorenz".

A PARTIAL LIST of the planners of the Dresden Holocaust: Winston Churchill, Arthur Harris ("Pyromaniac Harris"), Victor Rothschild, Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, the "holy" rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Robert Vansittart, Theodore Newman Kaufman, Louis Nizer, Earnest Albert Hooton, Henry Morgenthau Jr, Dwight David Eisenhower, George VI. All these powerful Zionists signed off on the Dresden Holocaust, although not a single one of them was ever brought to justice. But Winston Churchill certainly TOOK OWNERSHIP of the Dresden Holocaust, by sternly warning beforehand: "I do not want to receive any suggestions how we can destroy militarily important targets in Dresden's hinterland, I want to get suggestions how we can fry 600,000 refugees from Breslau in Dresden". [Source: A minute by APS of Air Chief Marshal Wilfrid Freeman, dated 26 Jan 1945, in Air Historical Branch file CMS 608].

Note: Churchill's admission of "600,000 refugees" confirms that Dresden's population was indeed twice its normal.

Also, on the evening of 25 Jan 1945, about three weeks before the genocidal firebombing of the Civilians of Dresden, Churchill had a phone-call with his Secretary of State for Air, Archibald Sinclair, in which Churchill demanded information about "what plans British Bomber Command might have for BASTING the Germans in their retreat from Breslau". [Source: Frederick Taylor's 2005 book "Dresden: Tuesday, 13 February 1945".] Terrifyingly, BASTING means to roast meat in its own drippings, or to moisten meat while cooking it. The Civilians of Dresden never guessed, or even suspected, what the bloodthirsty Churchill had in mind for them all along. Declassified documents from archives of the British and US Regimes gave the actual motive: The purpose of the attack was to inflict the maximum loss of life on the civilian population of a city swelled to overcapacity and, in particular, to genocide as many refugees as possible fleeing from the Bolshevik-Zionist Red Army.

The British #5 Bomber Group was first to attack, at 10 PM on Shrove Tuesday ("FaschingsDienstag") 13 Feb 1945. Over 2,000 bombers and additional support-craft dropped more than 2,000 high-explosive and 700,000 incendiary-bombs directly upon the city-center. Incendiary-bombs, or simply called firebombs, are highly efficient at producing the maximum loss of human life, but highly inefficient at destroying military equipment or bulky railway stations. Arthur Harris explained that the primary goal of the first wave was "to set the city-well on fire", which means that ALL BODIES OF WATER within the city-limits were to be set ablaze, even the Elbe river itself. The Zionists achieved this goal using White Phosphorous whose combustion-temperature is around 2800̊C (or 5000̊F). White Phosphorous was the primary component of the incendiary-bombs, and it was thrown into every nook of Dresden. The Zionists knew that Dresden had no air defenses ("FlugAbwehr") so the airplanes were able to descend to very low altitudes and deliver their deadly and heavy payloads, and also achieve a very high degree of accuracy. This also means that the bomber-crews could clearly see that they were genociding ordinary civilian victims in hospitals, residential zones, walkways, parks, sports stadiums etc., but they chose to keep following their orders regardless. More than 100,000 victims died in this first wave. Many of the victims, who could not bear the torment, desperately tossed themselves into the burning waterways, only to die in the tens of thousands there, either by burning alive on the water's surface or by drowning. This was a total consumption by fire, so it actually earned the title "Holocaust".

The incendiary-bombs started hundreds of fires and, aided by a stiff wind, these soon coalesced into one infernally massive firestorm. The intense heat from the huge column of smoke and flame, miles high and thousands of acres wide, created a tremendous updraft of air in the center of the column. This established an extremely-low-pressure system at its base while the ambient air rushed toward it at estimated speeds of some 1000 MPH (1600 KPH). Average tornadoes result from temperature disparities of perhaps about 28̊C (82̊F). However, on this night of 13-14 Feb 1945 in Dresden, the temperature differential was about 1100̊C (circa 2012̊F). So, the inrushing current of air further accelerated the flames, creating AN ENORMOUS TORNADO-VORTEX OF WHITE FIRE that swept all life haphazardly and upwards into the night sky, with all that life then eviscerated in the heart of the inferno.

Three hours after the first Zionist attack, a second massive armada of British bombers arrived, again loaded almost exclusively with high-volume incendiary-bombs. The residents of Dresden, their power systems destroyed in the first raid, had no warning of the second. Again, the bomber-crews focused on the old city-center but this time they divided their targets, by dropping one-half of their bombs into the epicenter of the conflagration so as to keep it stoked, and the other half loosely around the edges of the firestorm. The Zionists timed the second attack perfectly to ensure that a large number of the surviving civilians would have emerged from their shelters, hoping to escape the city, and to catch firefighters and medical-personnel unawares, and thus genocide the extra victims needlessly. By 2 AM, Dresden's burning hulk could be seen from over 200 miles (320 km) away, and the flames would keep burning for a whole week. Scattered about for several days and for miles around in the surrounding countryside, the firestorm left parts of bodies, bits of charred clothing, bits of metal scrap, plus humongous volumes of ash. In many residential basements, rescue workers found nothing but the liquefied remains of inhabitants (who were mostly, but not all, German). Then, men had to shovel out tons of this jelly-rendered-human-fat, congealed into vast pools like petroleum jelly, and often a foot or two deep, before any proper reconstruction work could begin.

But the bombing was not over. On the following afternoon, Ash Wednesday ("AscherMittwoch") 14 Feb 1945, while medical and other emergency personnel from all over Central Germany were converging on Dresden, the Zionist US Regime sent 450 P51-Mustang flying fortresses to Dresden to "finish the job". This was merciless Talmudic Warfare (meaning Total War, Human Sacrifice, and Collective Punishment, all pursuant to the Talmud). The US P51-Mustangs began firing on everything that moved, with a giant section of P51s strafing everything along the riverbanks where thousands of bombed-out civilians had congregated. Wherever the P51s saw any columns of civilians moving around the city, they pounced to strafe hundreds of them with incredible ferocity.

After the Dresden Holocaust, the Dresden Chief of Police reported that over 200,000 bodies had been recovered from the ruins, adding that the toll might possibly reach 250,000 (contained in Daily Order #47 dated 22 Mar 1945, Office of the Dresden Chief of Police). Later, the International Red Cross estimated that 275,000 had died in the Dresden Holocaust. But, the REAL death-toll simply MUST be at least 340,000 and probably over 550,000. Why? Because the population of Dresden had swelled to more than twice its normal size; because many victims had literally "melted like wax"; and because the tornado-vortex also quite literally vaporized many of the victims.

Apologists for the Dresden Holocaust often attempted to argue that Dresden was "Revenge for Coventry", but only 1,200 victims died in Coventry-England during all of WW2. Apologists also attempted to argue that Dresden was "Revenge for the Blitz", but the "Blitz" only lasted 8 months, from Sep 1940 until May 1941, and it "only" killed 40,000 British civilians, roughly half of them in London. Furthermore, London-England escaped with damage to "only" 600 acres during all of WW2, whereas 16,000 acres of Dresden's terrain were obliterated in this one night, 13-14 Feb 1945. Clarity comes from debunking the propaganda. Overall, the total number of British Civilians killed in all of WW2 was "only" 70,000, which is truly infinitesimal compared to the 37 million Ethnic-German Civilians that the Zionist powers (US, GB, RU, FR) genocided in the German Holocaust of 1914-55.

The bottom line is that Dresden Holocaust was a Talmudic human-sacrifice ritual fostered by its main architect, Winston Churchill, and his Rothschild-Zionist-Handlers. This was merciless Talmudic Warfare (meaning Total War, Human Sacrifice, and Collective Punishment, all pursuant to the Talmud). And the Zionists have never been obliged to change their behavior in 80 years.

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