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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Feb 11, 2024, HELLSTORM, DRESDEN, WAR Interviews Jim

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Published on 12 Feb 2024 / In People and Blogs

*** HELLSTORM, Thomas Goodrich (
Hellstorm, Thomas Goodrich (Book), Kyle Hunt, German Genocide(Documentary circa 2015) Feb 17, 2023
Jim Interviews HELLSTORM, author, Thomas Goodrich
(Emailed transcribed narrative on request - [email protected])
*** W.A.R. Western Alliance Resistance Interview with Jim Rizoli, Feb 10, 2024,-Feb-10,-2024:0
W.A.R. BitChute and Odysee Channels

*** Stop Concealing Soviet Crimes Eric Margolis
… Why do we hear endless repetition of the Holocaust and next to nothing about the even more murderous Soviet crimes of mass murder? The artful British were the war’s premier propagandists. They not only helped draw the US into WWII, but they also largely masked the alliance between the US and Britain with the murderous Soviet regime. In fact, the strategic goal of the British was to divert attention away from Soviet crimes by emphasizing Nazi crimes. This process continues today. The Jewish holocaust has almost become a state religion while the larger, earlier Ukrainian holocaust (or Holodomor) is slipping away down the memory hole.

I Survived the Bombing of Dresden and Continue to Believe it Was a War Crime Victor Gregg – The Guardian (Britain)
... As the incendiaries fell, the phosphorus clung to the bodies of those below, turning them into human torches. The screaming of those who were being burned alive was added to the cries of those not yet hit. There was no need for flares to lead the second wave of bombers to their target, as the whole city had become a gigantic torch. It must have been visible to the pilots from a hundred miles away. Dresden had no defences, no anti-aircraft guns, no searchlights, nothing ... The affair was a war crime at the highest level, a stain upon the name Englishman that only an apology made in full public view would suffice to obliterate.

Harrowing World War Two Archive Footage Shows 1945 Allied Bombing of Dresden Daily Mail (Britain)

The Blood of Dresden, Kurt Vonnegut
… In February 1945, American bombers reduced this treasure to crushed stone and embers; disembowelled her with high explosives and cremated her with incendiaries … It is with some regret that I here besmirch the nobility of our airmen, but, boys, you killed an appalling lot of women and children. The shelter I have described and innumerable others like it were filled with them. We had to exhume their bodies and carry them to mass funeral pyres in the parks, so I know … The “Get Tough America” policy, the spirit of revenge, the approbation of all destruction and killing, have earned us a name for obscene brutality.

Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden, David Irving
Book available from IHR.ORG
Mass killing and terrorism were the sole objectives of the horrific World War II air attack on Dresden, which British diplomat and author Harold Nicolson called "the single greatest holocaust by war." On February 13-14, 1945, some 2,000 British and American bombers took part in the devastating raid on an undefended city packed with women and children fleeing advancing Soviet forces. One of Europe's great cultural and architectural treasures, this beautiful German city had no importance as a military target. Here is the full story -- from the perspectives of both perpetrators and victims -- of the horrific firestorm raid that took the lives of tens of thousands of civilians, who were burned alive, suffocated or succumbed to poisonous fumes.

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