The HOAXBUSTERS #22, Feb 14, 2025, TMOGV Chap #12, Transfer Agreement and DRESDEN.mp4
National Socialists and Zionists
Work Together for Jewish Emigration out of Germany
We discuss the agreement between the Zionists and Hitler to move the Jews to Palestine.
The story of the emigration of the Jews from Germany has been totally distorted and misrepresented in contemporary historiography. The emigration of Jews from Germany is typically depicted as some sort of secret undertaking in which those Jews who wished to leave had to escape in the middle of the night, sneaking across borders, crossing over mountain ranges, and leaving behind all their goods and property. Other dramatizations describe the ruinous price Jews had to pay for an exit visa. All of these poignant tales are nothing more than a stupid fantasy. There is no doubt the German government wanted Jews to leave Germany, and it applied increasing pressure to persuade them to do so. The anti-Jewish legislation of the Third Reich is a matter of historical fact which cannot be denied, and the hardship imposed upon the Jews was real. But contrary to all the hyperbolic tales and adventure stories contained in Jewish memoirs, Jewish emigration from Germany was a legal event carried out in accordance with established, published procedures. German government offices and Jewish organizations worked hand-in-hand to facilitate the emigration. [...]