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Jim and Diane Present, WALK AND TALK,Feb 1, 2025, Gemma & Phil; Jim Policing BitChute; Plane Crashes

nosixmillion - 119 Views
Published on 01 Feb 2025 / In People and Blogs

***Gemma and FakeNukes Phil, Jan 31, 2025
Update: Those who left the catholic church ... were catholics!!! The English Reformation took place in 16th-century England when the Church of England broke away first from the authority of the Pope and bishops over the King and then from some doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. The English Reformation began as more of a political affair than a theological dispute. (Wikipedia)
One 23-year-old woman said: “I felt deceived and undervalued by the church. I didn’t understand certain things and found no mentors within the church. I just stopped going because my community of friends and family were no longer in the church.” Another woman wrote, “I tried different Catholic churches in the area because I just didn’t seem to be getting anything out of the Mass, especially the homily.” Another person said, “I stopped going regularly because the homilies were so empty. And whenever the church wanted to raise money, they dropped the homily and talked money.” There were many complaints about the quality of homilies as well as about poor music at Mass.
The scandal surrounding the sexual abuse of minors by clergy was mentioned often. One man said that what did it for him was “the bishop’s refusal to list pedophile priests on the diocesan Web site and his non-support of the effort to lift the statute of limitations for bringing sexual abuses cases forward in the courts.”
Gemma - ANTIHITLER, THIRD REICH, AH was Anti-catholic; Euthanasia
Phil - Nothing is Real
*** Jim policing his BitChute channel.
*** Plane crash in Philadelphia, PA - What’s up!!!??? DC? What’s up with that!???

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