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JFK - Assassinated While Trying To Expose The Masonic, Secret Societies Monopoly Over Government

JamesRoss - 410 Views
Published on 21 May 2024 / In Non-profits and Activism

And just look at your government now... they all are just wreaking with treachery, yet sheeple still think voting will solve their country's dilemma. The vote for rigged Luciferians or mind-controlled patsies.

It is interesting that the sheeple can watch the Masonic/Luciferian monopoly over the local and federal governments... and still claim that their votes place themselves in control of the political traitors.

But it does not stop at the politic.
You see, the secret services are also run by freemason/Luciferian around the world.

China's CCP serves the Luciferian agenda21 and 2030 to create chaos.
Russia is run by the Knights Templar/Freemason who put Stalin into power and tell Putin what his is to do.
Ukraine is also run by the well-organized thUgs.
Israel is run by the same cUlt that created it by the guidance of Homo capensis, their masters:
Public genocide participation taking a placebo to convince sheeple to follow: but sheeple got the real clot-shots while Luciferians only received rigged placebos.

The Assassination of JFK was organized by the ancient masters, Homo capensis, to begin the demoralization of the West:
Secret societies hide the existence of elongated skulls from the sheeple who only watch TV because Freemason control all mass media:

The traitors to Western Civilization is only about 10% of society... mostly government and the "professional" organizations that control engineering firms, dentists, ophthalmologists, lawyers, optometrists, judicial appointees and opticians for example. They are all hivemind now with brainchip encrypted digital communications... High up in any profession you will find Luciferians in control since they are all members of the dreaded Freemasons who are now going underground like the Knights Templar did in the 1300s.

Freemason visibility replaced the Templars who hide the real illuminati within them.

As StarLink Freemasons are given unfettered erection of the Low Elevation Orbiting satellite network
Freemasons are only the sheepdogs of their ancient masters... sheepherders, Homo capensis:

Ai is the new fake-god of government but has always been the current fake-god of the Luciferian... Lucifer is in all their heads guiding them how to conduct WWIII against the sheeple/mob:

Musk is a Masonic frontman... the real brainchip is magnetic, MNI, (MagneticNeuronInterface) that turns people into biorobots:


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