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Starlink Is Broadband to Make the Matrix and Avatar Movie into reality: Hivemind is Curently limited to Cellular-Grid R/C-BrainchipZombies and Sleeper R/C-Assassins

JamesRoss - 1,231 Views
Published on 17 Jan 2024 / In Technology

Spoiler-Alert: "People are like curcuits" or Luciferians Believe They Can Join AI, join A.i.Lucifer to exist within a neural-net. Luciferians laugh at sheeple that they have the secrets to hack brainchipzombies or remote-control sleeper-assassins... and kill them after killing targets... spoiler alert... starlink is Luciferians tricking humanity to go extinct in exchange for access to their controlled internet. I'll give you another "spoiler alert"... the NWO monsters remote-controlled that ship perfectly into the foundations of the bridge in Baltimore. Only Ai calculating the turning speed of that ship would know to start-up the port engine to power-turn the massive ship to directly hit the foundation like it did. You can see the captain was trying to steer away from the foundation after he was given his consciousness back. You might not realize it but that 3 year old toddler was in bio-robot mode... the boy was actually unconcious just like Jeff rense was unconscious as his body was remote-controlled into the ditch approach... ha haaa he survived! good job Rense.

The spoiler alert is that Starlink will expand the NWO's brainchip-hivemind and take-over all humanity... even isolated tribes in jungles.

The warnings of a zombie apocalypse in the future is the joy of Luciferians setting their hivemind-trap for sheeple.
Luciferians run NASA and SpaceX.
After the Axis-Nazis were "conquered"... Allied-Luciferians still destroyed the removed bells:

Ringing bells represented the worship of the Creator-God. NWO-pushers, Luciferians removed the bells to begin the Agenda21(directed by Homo capensis, the devils) to remove our Creator-GOD from the sheeple's senses because the Freemasons where rebuilding another Tower-Of-Babel by redeveloping ancient-electronics (and circuits) which would lead to A.i. and the brainchip-hivemind link-up over the entire Earth. The Agenda21 has progressed as planned to Agenda 2020 where AI replaced governments with World-governance(April,1st, Fools-day) then orchestrated Operation Covid-19(Satan's Sheep Slaughter):
Freemasons as "the as the founding fathers" were also Luciferians serving Homo capensis... The Agenda21 for the final third phase of the World-Wars against freedom and the eventual extinction of all Homo sapiens started.

Think about it... the "voice of god weapon" will be in every brainchipped skull. A.i. will silently put "demons" into every brainchipped skull... The freedom of though, the independence, the bell-ringing of the Creator-God presence in everyone's mind is replace with artificial instructions coming from an A.i. pretending to be a god of fantastic knowledge about everything, even your own body functions.
Brainchip-puppet-preachers are the A.i. trickery transition from bible to brainchip. The puppet does not realize that the voices in their heads is coming from the AI-run-hivemind manufacturing artificial dreams, too:

The starlink satellite-series of digital microwaves repeaters will reach places which don't have electricity, towers or land-sources of microwaves to activate IOT and devices.

The starlink transmitter tracks the target on the ground providing ambient microwaves in remote areas to activate the IOT without batteries.

The demons will be about to come through the starlink anywhere on the surface of the Earth once starlink is installed.
Starlink is being kept quiet by cult-mass-media while the Mystery School cUlt and Freemason money fills the Skynet:

Some day Luciferians will realize that the mind-upload salvation offered to them by the Satan-race had always been just a lie... Homo capensis wants all Homo sapiens dead because we have the Creator-God's Blueprint for a successful mankind still within our untwisted genetics.
The plan to twist human genetics into another version of the Satan-race will be another failed-mankind, just like Homo capensis has failed to spiritually progress into something much grander. Instead they twisted their minds and bodies into monsters and lost their vitality.

Sleeper Assassin:
Rense 2015 implant Hit Job:
Colin Ross Military Civilian Covert Mind Control Implants:
Delgato remote controls a bull:
3 year Old Bio-robot dances remote-controlled :
Brain Neurons Are Activated for Remote Control with consumption of Magnetic Nano-Particles:

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JamesRoss 10 months ago

What the Magnetic Neuron Interface(MNI) can do is turn off consciousness instantly and hold it unconscious while the interface instantly commands the neurons of the brain in order to remote-control the body.
As a bit of a joke on Rense, his brainchip-handler gave him a split-second of consciousness while the Land-Cruiser was flipping through the air... all the Masons and Eastern-Stars and Templars and Jesuits watching the hit-job would have a little chuckle at Rense's expense... you see.
These people are brainwashed monsters now... and they use this communication-network hivemind to form a secret army of thUgs who run Western Civilization's politics, policing, military, education system, hospitals... you are living in the old-world beliefs while the New-World technology is now orchestrating the genocide of the sheeple... and brainchipzombies.

To learn more, just study my banned websites through these links:

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JamesRoss 10 months ago

Delgato said: "The beauty of it is we are no longer using electrodes." The Masonic/Luciferians have been hiding the true history of ancient civilization so that they could use the MNI brainchip world-wide to mind-control the sheeple into slavery... this has been the conspiracy for thousands of years waiting for the technology to be redeveloped slowing and artificially to secretly hide the presence of the ancient mankind, Homo capensis, who wants humanity extinct, now...

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