Hegel Phenomenology of Spirit Lecture 9 Observing Mind Logic and Psychology
spirit warrior of the mist man - 203 Views
Published on 04 Apr 2023 / In Science
Chad Haag continues the lecture series on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit by moving on to the second phase of Observing Reason, observing mind through Logic and Psychology. This is a part of the School of Forbidden Texts: remember, you can join us there for as little as two dollars per month at the following link:
Link to full playlist:
2:11 I. Logic
6:40 Logic or Behaviorist Psychologism?
8:09 Logic is Not Too Formal
10:41 II. Psychology
11:28 Mind as Chaotic Bundle
14:01 Myth of Complete Determination by Material Conditions
15:27 The Double Gallery
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