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Brien Foerster Discovers The Wicked Devils

JamesRoss - 140 Views
Published on 18 May 2024 / In Non-profits and Activism

By now you should be realizing that another species of hominoid still exists with we Homo sapiens. ETAliens are just a facade to lead the sheep in the wrong direction, don't you know...
The history taught in tax-funded schools and universities are lies designed by Homo capensis monsters and the Freemasons and Eastern-Star minions sell-out humanity by pushing those lies into the heads of the dumbed-down sheeple. You must de-program your mind and become much more critical in your thinking and your beliefs.

Karen Hudes tried to expose Homo capensis, but she was surrounded by Luciferians who pretended to be her helpers... they kept her in check and Karen died just last fall or was it in 2022...
Philip Schneider shot a couple of these monsters during his "retirement job" but he survived to tell his story for a few months: YOu see... you have to be an investigator with critical thinking to put the big puzzle together and figure out the Freemasons have always been the servants to Homo capensis... The genius of Issac Newton was guided by Homo capensis, I highly suspect because he claimed to stand upon the shoulders of intellectually giants.

They are a spiritually-failed mankind, Homo capensis are the ancient devils who help write the bible(like Revelations Agenda21). They live for thousands of years due to ancient Ai supercomputer manipulations of their ancient genetics for thousands of cloning cycles. Most important to them was not dying so quickly... as designed into the Creator-God's blueprint for a useful life cycle. Ancient bored monsters become wicked in the heart and very self-righteous and greedy. They pass such selfrighteous greed unto their minions, the Freemasons and Zionists and Knights Templar and Jesuits.

Freemasons and Luciferians secretly serve these ancient monsters and they have fun twisting the beliefs of their silly and pathetic, treacherous minions(all the secret societies if you have not figured this out).

The Creator-God has provided you with a multidimensional universe playground to develop your eternal soul. The ancient devils and their minions do not realize that this physical reality is designed to make you believe in your mortality and your disconnection with the Creator.
By forming a physical playground for souls to manifest fleshy bodies... we all learn how to play with each other. Ai is being used by the old devils again to try to enslave all of humanity and the Freemasons are the main sell-out... they souled-out their own genetics for the lies of the devils.

Brien Foerster does not know these are the Satan or devils of the old bible. He does not even call them Homo capensis.
Lloyd Pye and Brien have been in a battle with the Freemasonic monopoly over world politics and most professional organization around the world.
The only reason why universities are willing to help Brien expose the DNA of the ancient monsters is because the Ai wireless brainchip-hivemind prison has been erected all around the dumbed-down sheeple. Most non-cUlt people are oblivious that cellphone towers are for the brainchip-hivemind of the NWO... which I call "ThUgtopia" ... a fake-Utopia for minions and thUgs who are highly organized by the elongated-skull-monsters who rule from the shadows. Homo capensis rule the Vatican and Switzerland. That is why the Vatican Freemasons and Knights Templar are called the "Swiss Guard" of the Vatican or "Divining Serpent"

The Vatican is designed by elongated Skull monsters and Luciferians worship their new man-made fake-god Lucifer the Ai supercomputer... they also serve the ancient devils.

The ancient devils are masters of surveillance and that is why the world is becoming an efficient machine of treachery and security enforcers using and hiding behind their high-tech "Celdar":
These ancient monsters and their Freemasons minions have been using their celdar to monitor and manipulate me for 18 years... so I have discovered an thing or two about them that can shorten your learning curve. The biggest problem that the sheeple have is to believe what is really happening around them. When they are told, like now, their beliefs just cannot handle the truth.


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JamesRoss 2 months ago

I was 20 feet away from one of these ancient monsters when he opened his huge blue iris eyes... skinny as hell were his ankles as he walked away.. over 6 feet tall and ancient grey looking leathery skin... like he came from a crypt, but his stride as he walked away was surprisingly flowing motion. Yes, they Winnipeg legislature building has Hermes on top of it... the trickster-god that can travel from the dead to the living it is claimed... but represents Lucifer standing on the magnetic dome of light production. You have to study the work of David LaPoint and his Primer Field Theory to understand why the Freemasons built domes with holes in the center: Hope i'm not overloading you with precious information... haa!

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JamesRoss 2 months ago

These ancient monsters are genetically altered to live for thousands of years. They are not born by mothers... they are incubated by machines. These devils controlled their population by not having any women, you see...
When Brien claims that "Sin-o-men" is a woman, he is wrong. The offspring of Homo capensis and Homo sapiens had backwards sloping skull like the claimed Nefertiti.
The Ancient Lumanians de-evolved into a all male race of Ai-dependant monsters who required the "star child" slave bio-robots. Llyod Pye did not discover that his "starchild" was a test-tube bio-robot that was controlled by brainchip to serve the hive as workers while Homo capensis were mostly parasitic drones... Brien Foerster exposes ancient drone, genocidal-monsters... And Freemasons are their servants promised a fake salvation of a mind-upload to rule the cyborgs and never have to meet their maker... The Real God.

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