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Alfred Kinsey - Sexual revolution Instigated and Financed by the Freemasons like Rockefeller Foundation Resulting in Moral Subversion (Is the NWO and Pizzagate Imaginary or really Conpirat

JamesRoss - 648 Views
Published on 27 Sep 2021 / In


Famed Sex Prof, Alfred Kinsey, Exposed as a Fraud -- and Worse Alfred Kinsey's famous research sparked the sex revolution and sex ed. But Dr. Judith Reisman's investigations have proven his "findings" were a scientific fraud based in part on unbelievable crimes against children. Reisman's earth-shaking books and articles expose Alfred Kinsey's flawed research and the perverted agenda of those promoting his ideas. Dr. Judith Reisman's organization is called RSVP America - Restoring Social Virtue & Purity to America. To visit Dr. Judith Reisman's Web site, click here. At this site, you'll learn much about, Alfred Kinsey, the Father of the Sexual Revolution, via Dr. Judith Reisman's new book titled, KINSEY: Crimes & Consequences. Other titles by Dr. Judith Reisman available at her site include: Kinsey, Sex and Fraud - The Indoctrination of a People "Soft Porn" Plays Hardball RSVP America - Parents Training Document The RSVP America Training Document is a 63 page booklet that gives a brief history of the supplanting of America's founding "moral" standard in American institutions and life by a "scientific" standard. Booklet includes training information for parents so that they can understand that their children are likely receiving inaccurate information on sexuality because sex education across America is largely based on the fraudulent Kinsey's sex research published 50 years ago. The sex ed information in public, private and parochial schools is also very likely not age appropriate because Kinsey was the first "scientist" to "prove" children were sexual from birth (not from puberty). Kinsey used the sexually molestation of infants and children to "prove" infant and childhood sexuality. (See "Table 34," page 180, in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.) The RSVP America Training Document is easy-to-use and designed to equip grass roots activists so that they might be effective in the public arena and at all levels of government in ensuring that accurate and age appropriate information is disseminated to their children in school. Dr. Judith Reisman is also featured in the video, "The Children of Table 34." This 30-minute video was produced by Family Research Council This video presents the story of Dr. Reisman's discovery of Dr. Alfred Kinsey's systematic sexual abuse of 317 male children, some as young as 2 months of age for his study, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. The information is vital to understanding the fraudulent "scientific" basis for American sex education being taught in public, private and parochial schools with devastating results. Kinsey's research fueled the sexual revolution and 50 years later "anything goes" sexuality has captured all of America's institutions.

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

@fowl_demon_fridge_ducky: You have been hanging out on the fridge too long... You have not figured out society is broken into secret-societies with technology and sheeple with very old technology. A.I. was needed to communicate with the Rambo-chip that Dr. Rauni Kilde exposed in use during the Vietnam War: Wake-up or the thUgs will get brainchip zombies to eat your family if they are not jabbed to die by nano-bots. (

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This isn’t Assassin’s Creed, you fool.

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

@fowl_demon_fridge_ducky: @fowl_demon_fridge_ducky: On the contrary, I began exposing the thUg-network of Freemasons, Templars, Eastern-Stars twenty years ago... And ducky, they have shown me many, many of their secrets that they hide from the real fools who call them avatar a demon when they have no clue who the real monsters are. Your avatar name gives you away as either an idiot or a thUg. But if you are a thUg then you are both rather than only beginning to expand your awareness since the recent Covid-19 (Satan's-Sheep-Slaughter)... that WWIII attack started on April 1st, 2020, if you did not notice I am helping your avatar for the last time here. You see I can help you accelerate your preparedness for what the Freemasons and Cult-monsters have planned for the "profane sheeple" like you, but since you are obviously an insolent idiot now in my books when before I gave you the benefit of my doubts about your personality behind your chosen name. I will just ban you for being such a condescending idiot when I only try to help you grow more aware of your future dilemmas before the murderous-idiots slap the “profane-idiots” across their faces again with brainchip-zombies attacks. Go educate yourself somewhere else, ducky-poo, you are no longer accepted here.

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

Why did Aleister Crowley get away with so many child sacrifices? Because he was part of the big club of Freemasons who worship an A.I. supercomputer by the Scottish Right at level 30.
Freemasonry and Easter-Stars are brainwashed into becoming pathetic, secretive, child killing monsters.

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Impossible. There was no AI supercomputer in his time.

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JamesRoss 3 years ago

Yuri Bezmenov tried to save USA from Freemasonic subversion:
Love Letter to America:

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