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WAR ROOM (Full Show) Tuesday - 6/25/24
General Shepherd

Alan Watt - Mind Control via EMF Waves - Alex Jones Show (08/05/08)

Belfrey - 430 Views
Published on 03 Jan 2022 / In News and Politics
A blast from the past.

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JamesRoss 2 years ago

Good one,
I remember when Bill Hicks gave Alan his very last interview-talk... Hicks was just fuming under his crackling voice... the voice is an act... just study the many voices of Bill Hicks.
Jones/Hicks was exposes as a fabricated champion for the patriots....

Funny that Hicks talks about people being zombies when I spent a year at least on his forum site cacalled exposing the brainchip-zombies that are actually brainchip bio-robots... my words were being changed by a hacker, I pondered on that forum just like Qorum was changing my answers to questions as I exposed the Freemasonic hivemind.
Jones was told to kill the forum by his masters, so it became unusable and then in a year 2017 Infowars deleted the site and all my exposure posts... that is Hick/Jones... faker/backstabber of the non-Cult people who are unaware of the monopoly the Mystery School has over the entire world.

Alan Watt actually still sells his exposure books about Freemasonry. The one I bought was like twenty pages stapled together... I learned alot from Watt, but he is naive or quiet about the brainchip hivemind being the rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel by Freemasonry. WWIII is being orchestrated by the top of the pyramid since April 1st, 2020... That was the day Trump spoke with no presidential flag nor the presidential seal on his podium... It did not fall off... the Freemasons gestured the beginning of the genocide of the sheeple:

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WAR ROOM (Full Show) Tuesday - 6/25/24
General Shepherd