What does non-compliance REALLY mean for us? + a pep talk
Everybody wants mass non compliance until it's time to face "non-compliance" shhhtuff.
In this video, I break down how to think three steps ahead so massive job losses and supply chain issues don't get the best of us.
+ Pep talk is the last 3+ minutes :)
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+++ T H A N K Y O U +++

This?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7layyUBQFs
What A SIN!! This isnt the America i grew up in Two

at Night, I shut my phone off and put it in the Microwave till the next day

We Need to cover our Homes with a giant faraday Bag !!

" ODECO" sort of disappeared after the Sinking of The "Ocean Ranger" around the Grand Banks..like 86 people perished on the worlds largest (At the Time) Semi-Submersable

these Scumbags do a great job at hiding the Facts from the Public, Years ago i use to have a transportable "Analog " phone in my truck..transmitting at like 6 watts...Then mysteriously, people showing up with TUMOR's In Their Skulls...Then they hushed it all up..With the NEW Cell Phone digital Transmitting at way less power....LMFAO This just cooks your Brain a bit slower..LOL..Like a Crock-Pot hahaha