Trump Tower was Designed to Worship Ba'al and Ashera 33 Years Before Trumps Presidency (It Must Be Coincidental)
Trump Tower was Designed to Worship Ba'al and Ashera 33 Years Before Trumps Presidency (It Must Be Coincidental) or Cult controlled opposition.
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I'll put everyone out of their misery. I have seen photos of him with a known Mason . Both of them were displaying the hidden hand. It's on brighteon
In honor of 7 Pillars (like Trump Tower) Freemason Nur-Sultan reads out the "7 Pillars of Statehood" to be an example to all communist dictators around the world after the Covid plandemic:
The little people not within the hivemind have nothing to say about their freedom nor birthright under the Creator-God in anything ruled by the Mystery School Cult and must respect the state's dictates, or else... Coming to your country if you accept it without defiance, too.
In honor of the 7 pillars of Ba'al Astana is determined to be a world leader in world-wide law with the 7 PILLAR LAW firm:
Here is the concept of Astana 7 Pillars of Ba'al Business Center