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Planned Global Cyber Attack (Deborah Treveras, StopTheCrime)

JamesRoss - 288 Views
Published on 07 Jun 2024 / In Technology

Planned Global Cyber Attack
Featured link: What the COVID-19 pandemic teaches us about cybersecurity – and how to prepare for the inevitable global cyberattack from the World Economic Forum located at:

This is why you need to get your own local, internet-independent comms.
I mean you need to organize a community communications beyond your cellphone and landline because the ones who are setting up the trap are in control of your cellphone... they are the business-controlling Freemasons and Luciferians. If you do not have a brainchip in your head giving you Luciferian-commands, then you are their enemy... the brainchip-hivemind is all around you, as I have been warning of for years here:

What is allowing all this sabotage to happen.
JFK died a week after speaking to the newspaper reporters exposing the secret society Freemasons infiltrating the politics of the entire world:

Water restrictions will come with food reduction and starvation. The freemason and Luciferians are attacking the sheeple with lies and weather manipulation technology.

Are you concerned and doing your own efforts to stop the crimes conducted by your national and local Freemasons and Luciferians? If you are not concerned today then you will be soon. Study my channel because I expose the Mystery School cUlt of thUgs doing this to you.

You have monsters running your country, Freemasons are just their sheepdogs following their whistle-commands.

Hitler also followed the dictates of Homo capensis along will all other axis and allied groups... the same monsters conducting wars for the short lives of humans.
Germany's Fascist takeover of their republic changed their laws first so that they did not break any fake-laws... As you can see here, USA's republic is copying the same procedure:
@ 33:00 USA Executive order 10995, 10997, 10999, 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003, 11004, 11005, 12019...
Bill Clinton signed 12919 on June 3rd, 1994, which encompasses all of the above. You see, the traitors to the USA free people are the freemason sheepdogs who are given the authority by the sheeple to sign their rights away. This is what Bill Cooper was exposing at the same time that Clinton was sabotaging the USA... the Freemasons were getting prepared to jump into tyranny back in 1994 due to Cooper exposing their cUlt of tyranny.


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JamesRoss 5 months ago
Planned Global Cyber Attack
Featured link: What the COVID-19 pandemic teaches us about cybersecurity – and how to prepare for the inevitable global cyberattack from the World Economic Forum

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