Patriot Games -- The Patriot Act in Review.mp4
This Statute will now apply to "Domestic Terrorist" suspects???? Those 75-80 MILLION that were & are behind President Trump??? Digest that m'friends! If this Congress today has anything to do with it, there will be an extended reach toward American's they feel is a "Domestic Terrorist!!" This video is from 2010, however does really concerns me with this Trump hating mob!!! "Big brother is watching"
Hoover Institution
In October 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, Congress passed, and President Bush signed, the USA Patriot Act. The law is intended to prevent future terrorist acts by enhancing various law enforcement tools. Critics argue that the Patriot Act is a dangerous infringement on American civil liberties. Now, more than two years after the passage of the Patriot Act, do we have any evidence that the critics are right? For that matter, do we even know whether the Patriot Act is working to deter terrorism? Should the Patriot Act be allowed to expire, or should its provisions become a permanent part of the war on terrorism?