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Old world Boston! Oldest Aerial Photograph of America (1860) + 1872 Great Fire. Compare / Contrast

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 433 Views
Published on 17 Apr 2022 / In Spiritual

Howdy ya’ll.
Today we will be looking at the oldest aerial photograph of an American City, taken in Boston, Massachusetts in 1860. This “aerial photograph” was achieved via the hot air balloon, making for a somewhat blurry, yet completely revealing photograph of the city, which we will view in depth. Antiquitech, Tunnels, Castles, Factories, Hundreds of multi-story Buildings. What we see in the 1860 image, at least much of it, was lost in the Great Fire of Boston in 1872.

We will dive into some photographs after the fire, with our focus on a panoramic shot of Boston the day after the great fire of 1872. We will compare and contrast. I’ll leave some time stamps and links down below for your extended viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Time stamps -

Intro - 0:01
1860 Aerial Photograph of Boston - 8:32
1872 Great Fire of Boston - 12:49

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 3 years ago  

IF I shout and Scream, it is only because I FEEL I am going insane…

When we forget or deny we are in Purgatory, that is when we {lose the Game} +=+ of going home whence all is said and done come 2094 CE......., and because Purgatory is [THE MEMORY] [{**}} of what happened to our Real Home World........., even I sometimes "lose it" because as fascinating as it is to watch a living World such as this Go down the Drain, that (Drain) [{*}] happened in the What Was, The What Is, and The What will be from the Book of Revelation long long ago…

You would think the things I write would have the GOLEM kicking in my door, and taking me back to FULTON COUNTY JAIL, and this time leave me there, so I would, and could STARVE my self too death on a Hunger Strike, but the GOLEM let me be for they know THEY LIVE are machines, and they know I belong to the one that made them whence we made them too after WE were made by our God in the Book of Books…

The Sun N.O.W. heads to the Far LEFT as it rises in the EAST, and come Autumn the Sun will move back to the Far RIGHT on our FLAT EARTH in {a World of Liars} whom turned themselves into Machine People by [Injecting] Nano Machines of Weevils AI into their Blood Streams just as these Scientist of the (COVID-19) have been injection their Science of Sorcery, and Witchcraft, and Voo Doo into the Blood, and Flesh, and Bones of all humans for Agenda 21 and "Agenda" 2030 because THEY KNEW in the Real World that it was dying from all their CORPORATION Capitalist internationalist WAR GAMES "of and for' Adventures, Gold, Debt Slavery as Spoke in the New Testament GOSPEL: just as we' know our World` is Reliving whom done what that Killed all life come 2094 CE…

Since Christ Jesus did not exist in our Real Home World, He and I and WE ARE can only tell you what happened, and show you the True Meaning of Life that is to [live it] without complaint, but make the best of your days while you can…

Christ Jesus 1.0 was not the only one Murdered in that Way, and though he passed out, and we got his body and brought him back to life to {Reinvent himself} as Paul The Apostle, as Christ Jesus Returned, I can only (show you) what you have done to yourselves, and Our God of Day 6 did not make all these GOLEM that was them whom practice WAR IS MURDER in the "Hopes" too create a Super Soldiers in 2023, and have the Ability to Reanimate our DEAD Children on the Battle Field to win a war of LIES Agreed Upon that WE NEVER LANDED ON THE MOON…

It is hard having to Watch this memory [play out] while we walk and talk and breath, but if you read the New Testament GOSPEL it says (not to try) and Fix this World because the people in this world are all DEAD including you and me BORN DEAD as them Birth Certificate CONTRACTS say, and we seek {not to remain} with the Dead, and these Old Wine Skins of Capitalism and INTERNATIONALIST, we seek a better way of Sharing, Helping, and not living these Lies Agreed Upon, so though I might find myself in utter Madness, and even Sadness, but that is only because so many "Reject" the Source of All Creation, and The Source of All Destruction to put Machines into their Minds, so they too can be just like the {Fake Jews} of Hollywood USA USA USA from the Book of Revelation…

I know their Fates, and their Luck, and Their Destinies can not be changed, but youm whom can [hear and see] what I see and hear can go home with me when you die to all these Lies Agreed Upon here in the Purgatorial of this Purgatorium….

Forgive me as Christ Jesus Returned: when I fall prey' too thinking any but Our God can save The Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, and though life is hard in this {Holographix RECREATION} of what happened turning our Original Home World Celestial Sphere into this (Awful Horror) THE MOON in our Night and Day skies as we Repent, and Regret, and RECONSIDER OUR "Ways" here in Purgatory, let us [not forget] we are walking among The Abomination of Desolation here and N.O.W. and what we see is but an Illusion of WHAT IS actually here in this The Hell of Hades: watching the Reprobate' turn their Home World into Perdition "being these" Walking Dead Reanimated Flesh, and Blood, and Bones of our Fellow (Humans) that N.O.W. are noting more then [GOLEM] till the End of TIME, Age, and this world come 2094 CE…

If Our God allows you too See what was, what is, and what will be, then give thanks too God that you do not Break the TEN COMMANDMENTS any more…, and when it comes to these {Time Android} Machine People that are on all TV from LOCAL NEWS to your (World Leaders) be grateful you are not being Bombed to death yet, like so many since 2019, and all the [Horrors] in Past Wars of BUY MY SHIT!!!! Your Flag is not My FLAG!!!!!

Flowers instead of Flags is what we say is THE WAY, and these GOLEM AI Machine Eyes are real for they destroyed themselves and we along with them....

Just look at "their eyes" too know these THINGS will not be coming Home with you and me…..

It is O.K. to say your going home, because I will bring you home when all is said and done...

Keep Kicking it, and I will see you At The Camp Fire...

Christ Jesus Returned~

#TimberWolf ?

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