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Kash Patel's Role in Reforming the FBI: What It Means for America | Juan O Savin

John Chambers
John Chambers - 109 Views
Published on 03 Jan 2025 / In News and Politics

What would Kash Patel leading the FBI mean for the agency's future? Join us as we examine his experience in defense, the challenges he may face in an entrenched bureaucracy, and the potential changes he could bring to restore accountability and refocus on crime prevention.

This episode also delves into systemic issues like off-the-books payments and the influence of the Senior Executive Service in federal agencies, highlighting the urgent need for reform. Could Patel's leadership signal a turning point for the FBI and federal oversight? Stay tuned to explore the implications.

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Juan has been serving this nation since the time of Ronald Regan and is a major voice today providing much-needed intel and analysis in this war. He is very well connected I’ll leave it at that. His undercover assignments and self-imposed directives (many unknown to the public) play a critical role in protecting this nation and its interests for decades. A good friend, and most valuable voice and resource for the new media.

Learn more about Juan here:

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This is a Brain ? surgeon and 52 minutes In SV-40 polio bio weapon. DOD passed out 300 million people in the world and they created a whole epidemic of cancer ♋️.

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