Happy New World Order: Next SCAMDEMIC in the Works
Slowly, the non-cUlt-sworn people awaken.
Western Civilization has been sabotage completely by Operation Covid-19... where all positions of authority removed good-people from positions dying from clots or fired from their position of authority knowing not to be injected with clotting poisons.
The Western Civization has been set-up to collapse financially as the A.i. brainchip-hivemind Tower of Babel is given control over the USA by Trump on April 1st, 2020.
The trap has not yet sprung... Instead of removing corruption from politics, the sheeple vote for the lesser of two political "evils" expecting Trump to suddenly turn his back upon the same Mystery School cUlt that put him into power. Public votes mean nothing to the cUlt if they vote in a knowingly rigged-system setup by Freemasons in the first-place. Every President has been in the Mystery School... Mystery Babylon... what does that mean to the voters?
Now, the trap is going to spring and the Famine Horseman will be put into action... who could guess that starvation would be used to assist in the collapse of the Western non-cUlt-sworn people's lifestyle and standard of living... The 3rd world illegal migrants were shipped into the West by the Mystery School Freemasons and Eastern-stars welcoming the covert brainchip-soldiers into the West.
As always, the Freemasons control the police and politics and the sheeple know not what to do except hold up protest-signs... because that is what the Luciferian education system taught them to do rather than change the entire rigged political system and policing system run by Freemasons.
Judas goats do not want you to identify the Freemason-cUlt and other Luciferian-initiates. Use your own critical thinking... you need to go to the root of the problems... the secret societies who run the surface society.https://ugetube.com/watch/kare....n-hudes-world-bank-i
This vid maker is: "A Call For An Uprising" https://www.acallforanuprising.com/
His new name is Leading the Sheep or something like that.
Even though he does not expose the brainchip-hivemind bio-robots and brainchipzombie mind-control... he comes very close; https://old.bitchute.com/video/z5b4dpzZn7Na/
The next scamdemic will most likely include the sleeper brainchipzombies https://ugetube.com/watch/bus-....1170-vincent-li-in-a or just A.i. controlled bio-robots who will drive off bridges and collide their vehicles into things and people. https://ugetube.com/watch/shoc....king-video-attacks-o Like that pilot becoming "possessed" by a covert brainchip and taking-down the entire bridge in Baltimore with a tanker ship. https://ugetube.com/watch/ship....-captain-or-ship-039