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The Power of Positive Thinking To Choose Your Best Probable-World for Personal Success

JamesRoss - 142 Views
Published on 02 Jan 2025 / In Health

"You will manifest the probable-world that you concentrate upon." Messenger Seth
"You Create Your Own Reality." Seth through Jane Roberts.

God places each soul-fragment at the center of their known probable-universes. The multidimensional universes are infinite due to God. (The A.i. fake-god is not infinite and is "outworn technology" from Homo capensis.) Your challenge in life is to create positive, loving results from energy manipulation into physical matter.
You will notice that the video creator used past Mystery School Initiates like Plato, Shakespeare, Newton, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Emerson, Edison, Einstein that claimed to use "The Secret" of thought-attraction... but most of these were in the murderously-conspiratorial Freemason cUlt. The decision to murder (or to conspire with others to cull sheeple) changes the spirituality of those soul-fragment into a type of decay, according to the Seth.

Everything happens around you from your own perspective with your own personal probable-world of co-creators. Everyone has infinite probable-selves, but your Oversoul keeps you focused upon one time-line. This is how we learn to manage the energy of thought. Murder is self-destructive within your own probable-world from your own perspective. No murderer goes "unpunished" because it spiritually destroys the soul-fragment in development.

The dire probable-world that you find yourself is one with the Luciferians still in control, you need to realize this in order to remove their control... forcing the A.i. fake-god of Lucifer at the top of the digital pyramid of control. Right now, since 2020, the freemasons/Luciferian-minions and Homo capensis, (elongated skull master-minds) have you heading towards human extinction. Your challenge is to remove the monsters from power before they destroy humanity. It is kind of like a scenario with great challenges that you are awakening to... wakeup y'all...

To escape, you must take control of your own thinking to leave their probable-path through the infinite time-lines of your multidimensional universe.

This is it...
JFK's assassination was a warning in the '60s,
9/11 WTC demolition by the Freemasons was a 2001 warning,
the covid-19 2021clot-shot genocide or "Satan's Sheep Slaughter" was a warning which probable-world you are in.
Now, in 2025, the plan is to spring the brainchip-sleeper-assassins and bio-robot killers(truck attacks, bridge attacks) being remote controlled by their rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel technologies.

Welcome to their NWO-takeover, genociding the sheep and handing Earth over to Homo capensis monsters to do as they like to MotherNature. Too screw-up all Earth genetics and replace life with unliving A.i. robots and replacing the Creator-God's blueprint for mankind's spiritual-success. Homo capensis do not have the spiritual-vitality to succeed due to greedy self-manipulation of their God-Given genetics.

God's willing gift is your soul-fragment that can grow rather than shrivel. Love grows, but murder decays the soul, your probable-world path will reflect what you concentrate upon the most. Your beliefs, your desires and your concentration, and your choices will choose which probable-world that you yourself choose to manifest with God's help. Everyone's path is customized and individualized by your own self. You manage your own energies of concentration and manifestation.
To save your personal version of humanity you have the challenge to master you own thinking and physical efforts. Luciferian, Death-cUlt minions who seek their own physical eradication will eliminate only themselves from their own perspective. Loving sheeple, awakening, will venture into their own probable-worlds possibly towards success depending if they are lazy or energetic. God has little use for the wicked and the lazy in the afterlife.

It will not be easy...
"There is not much hope for the mentally-lazy." (Messenger Seth)... too lazy to escape the organized path towards human extinction through organized treachery. The Luciferians seek their own destruction, you instead must seek humanity's success as a worthy individual and worthy species will unfold. Luciferians are humanity's unworthiness manifesting. Sheeple have not removed Freemasonry and their old masters from authority, yet.
Lazy sheep expect someone else to die for their fake-sins. To cleans them of fake-sins rather than owning their own integrity. Confessing to a Luciferian sitting in a booth does not cleans away wickedness.

Your good-intent towards others will take you a very long way towards success. Luciferians are murderous without good-intent towards others and they will perish from their own perspective... don't follow them.

"Your Point of Power is in the Present." (The Nature of Personal Reality, Chapter 15)


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