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NWO Freemason-Officers Condition Sheeple to Accept War

JamesRoss - 363 Bekeken
363 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 19 Jan 2024 / In Nieuws en Politiek

Freemasons are secretly unaffiliated to their countries, they are independent of citizenship and servants to their AI supercomputer and fake-god(which is international having no borders).

Swedish government employees are mostly Mystery School collectivists... they are already fascist and communist by the cUlt's secret brainwashing... but this is the case right across Western Civilization... you must have seen the corruption in politics and asked yourself: "Why?" because the invasion is the NWO-Agenda2020-2030. Freemasons and Luciferians have handed over the control of AI digitally running everything linked to the internets to the devils, Homo capensis, the ones behind Soros, Rothchilds, Davos, WEF, Bilderbergs, Rockefellers, Freemasons, Templars, Jesuits, and on and on, etc., etc., Everyone just put-up with the corruption and fell silent at the fall of guys like JFK and William Cooper:

{The Creator-God gives you your chance to make a difference for mankind rather than keeping your head low and hoping for the best for yourself. You life is a test. Freemasons and Luciferians have chosen the murderous-thUg route through life, and they expect the devils to deliver on their promises to them... Ha! they will not, they will trick their minions to death.}

With the lacing of carbonated drinks across North America with magnetic nano-particles (to interface the brain-neurons with the hivemind-brainchips)... (50 year old technology)
I would not be surprised that the Freemasonry/NWO-takeover attacks commence in 2024 to convert voted-government into communist-AI-governance. Most of the military aged immigrants will be secret Brain-Computer-Interfaced(BCI)-soldiers serving AI from unseen commanders. Synthetic telepathy will command the soldiers what to do as an efficient invasion force from many countries speaking different languages.
All the Freemasons and Luciferians in government positions would not need to be removed by the CCP and Russian invaders... the Freemasons would just show their true colors, switch sides serving communism and keep their jobs.

Have you realized that a cUlt of deception runs Western Civilization?

To hinder the NWO-takeover invasion, the sources of magnetic nano-particle production could be identified.
The BCIs require digital microwave communications... hmmm... This is why the Freemason-frontman, Musk, is the fallguy for creating "Starlink"... so you don't identify the entire Mystery School cUlt is behind Starlink, not just Musk.


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