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Britan’s EVIL War Against Pirate Radio and how we fought back!

eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs - 530 Views
Published on 01 Jun 2024 / In Non-profits and Activism

Today we explore the criminal world of pirate radio, how the UK establishment and the BBC suppressed and criminalised these stations for over 40 years.

👉 Big thanks for this freshly only now found, sorry!! brilliant docu thanks to

But then OUR team took over and made it wolrdwide instead of just a little boat in the english channel and it went b0000m, after 1 year and all its press we created we were getting 60 million hits a month our our then pirate-radio website! Most was presented to the press, one of my best mates but a megalomaniac total like he did it on its own whilst it was sweatibg round the clock with 7 at the helm and 138 DJ teams on the weekly schedule! No money was made, much was refused or said fuck this too as it would have killed the vine and the station for us and the capitol investors with their millions!

here is one of the many docu's on us:

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thinkcritical 7 months ago

Very revealing video...
Every time they say " The government issues the licenses." YOu need to understand that "the Freemasons-monopoly over the sheeple issues their fake authority." Luciferians are not playing the role of government... They are actually psychologically herding the sheeple.
You can now see the purpose of all the conditioning has resulted in sheeple taking clot-shot poison from the Luciferians and claiming that they have to do it, just because....

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 7 months ago

@thinkcritical A- sorry about the @thinkcritical start but this used ti be the way to talk to people on here, and maybe just incase its still THE way im just applying it, this because i al also having a very fruitfull conversation with an american but sins i stopped using ht @ sign i seem to get less reply! But i know i can get thru to the UGEtube cerw themselfs like year ago too so i better ask *takes not on todo list ;) Due to having stuck my nose in the internet first even end 80's where from London to Manchester to grab an Amiga gamess em days it was being seen as internal call rates and obviously first on 28,8 modems before then 56.6kbps modems came out but being limited psychically thu the phonewires, even when they got twisted max had a throughput of 40Kbps and the twisteing helped rarely but if it did it gave us 44Kbps. So it was just applied when i really badly wanted or needed a game i could not get locally!.. Early 90 i had a very ruff and stupid boozed up accident tripping well pissed as we sya in the UK over a small chair in the dair falling on my face knocking myself unconscieus to the point when i woke up 4 hours later with compartment syndrome they were going to chop my arm off and maybe the leg even too. After 7 weeks i got taken home by family and had a very long way of revalidation with daily nurse visits etc. Got well pissed off with it and being bored made me drag myself out the sofa bed and towards a table 3 meters further which became my non stop cyber/computer desk, Still on modems btw costing me 300 pounds a month. But i speak about 6 languages and understand even more, so only took me a few days and i found a groep online and started getting socially involved with legalise, which we had to change later on to legalize for the Americans, and actully now 40 years later it still exist which im still pretty proud of. This just being a mall intro to say yeah brother or sister? or mate however i may approach you back, i have 40 years experience and even 50 if ye add the starting when i was a minor on a spectrum 48K computer in basic programming too. 2 of my jobs/hobbies turned out massive later online A Festival news for and from a mag which on FB the groups stilll exist and talks min about the 1050 Uk festivals alone and always try to make that international too. 2/ A second thing that literally exploded and went too big just about was putting my friend pirate radio online, that was 95, Got picked up by the press in general and yeah won an award for the most simultaneously connected people. But even the non stop variety of music was fantastic there was sll the non stop chatting, with ppl from every hole/side/place on this planet, even under the nortpole cap we provided fun for a russian submarine there for their xmas party.. Right that shud give ye a big n decent image of where ive been an experience as i always chatted about anything, really being A politival unless you can count Amarchy in the system officially? ;) Luciferianism i talkedd lost about, look in, their wacko president parties in forests, experienced at a squat party which we provided the space for went weird and S&M with people dressing up as high priests being it or not who am i to say i believed em, but it was an eye opener, but part of the squatted skoool building had a chappel they used to draw a pentagon and at midnigt were going to slice a sheeps neck and drip its blood in/over it, drink it, whatever, but that we thought was a bit over the border line so i chucked open the doors and a few thousands ravers allready hanging around filled up the place like we did weekly and they crept back in their office suits and taxis for me its just one of the many terms used..luciferianism, NWO, Illukinati, 1%s, Royjchilds and the other 12 families, in general always referring to the same nutcases with too much money and no sence who all need locking up i havent ckliked or looked at yer link yet butalthough its abreviated and letters missing I think it will be a docu about fluoricide and how its been fed to us since the war with the excuse that it strenghtens your teeth and we need it etc but its actually also used in ratpoisons and is a dangerous poison to us being put in all tap water and then lets call them THEY tell us its safe and good and healthy! i Right? I go look now so cheers for the link and the contact and nice meeting, if i afterwards after watching it got specific questions ill get back to you even! From our radio station mentioned i got used to dealing wirg 1200 emails a day!! crazy..hence i still am hooked typing..but my eye sight is disappearing now too as i get older. If you do farcebook you'll find me there as Stay investigative always, question everything, and yeah peace, love, no masters..and without offence..for me no gods neither (a very debatable thing!!) But Light and Love, just stop the luve already!! X

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eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs
eeZee ~ goingb0nk3rs 7 months ago

ps sorry for all typos and mistakes, its my bad eyes and also just only woke up, didnt really wanna write a book, but as yer the first of the day..;)

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