NIGHT SHADOWS 10302022 -- Putin attacks UK operations with a warning
A major escalation of war has occurred in Ukraine as Russia attacks UK operations with a warning that more is to come. Obviously nothing is being said in USA/Babylon media about this rapid rise of now direct conflict with NATO member UK, which appears to mean that Article Five may be invoked, bringing in all NATO MEMBERS. We know this war is a script, all designed to bring in the long-cherished antichrist world order. The world really is on the brink of a nuclear war, but it may be limited and drawn out over the next few years, or, in the alternative, we may be on the cusp of Daniel's 70th Week war and then cries of "peace and security" that have been heard now over 2020-2022. Time will tell, but the latest indicates a major escalation of war is just around the corner...
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