NIGHT SHADOWS 06302023 -- Only “Card” Carrying Communist Borgs With a Digital Wallet Need Apply
June is almost gone, lots of war & rumors of war talk, but things of late have taken an ominous turn if one connects the dots - clearing the way for WW3 to begin in earnest - that is, flying nukes that kill lots of poor folks who only wanted to live their lives - but no - very evil people want to destroy everything good, everything right, and reshape humanity into some sort of a borg - and only Jesus Christ can fix this now as the masses of the people have given all their power over to the elite and now the noose gets really tight as the new digital wallet and currency roll in. Then we have the Sun and it is a growing concern in the scientific community and more sightings of the paranormal seems the vails are thinning and more in this Night Shadows Show...
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