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Many Brainchip Mind-Control Victims Are Just Scapegoats to Push Gun-Control by Human-Traitors

JamesRoss - 269 Views
Published on 16 Jan 2025 / In News and Politics

4,194 views Sep 19, 2013
Aaron Alexis carved the words "better off this way" and "E-L-F Weapon" on the stock of his shotgun.

Dr.Hall and David Knight make reference to this mind-control:

Using bio-robots to assassinate or destabilize society was happening long before the Aaron Alexis mind-control atrocity. But even his mother was convinced he committed the atrocity by himself... he was actually remote-controlled by Masonic, rebuilt, ancient technology... the magnetic brainchip

ELF waves cannot put voices into anyone's head without a magnetic brain interface.
Elon Musk's 2015 Neuralink is still a wired-up fraud. The real brainchip communicates without damaging brain material.
You need to study MIT Dr. Polina Anikeeva to help you understand the ancient technology that requires magnetic nano-particles in injections or processed food and drink.

The first brainchipzombie-attack where flesh was consumed was in Manitoba, by Freemasons heterodyning Vincent Li on Greyhound Bus 1170: but bi-robots go right back to the 1960s Vietnam War:

To use the hivemind around the world Starlink was devised by the front-man Elon Musk:

The pathetic human traitors to their own genetics are the Freemasons and Luciferians who are set upon their chosen path to destroy what is left of the unworthy souls. Reincarnation is for the Oversoul. These murderous thUg-soul-fragments are decaying and shriveling away their precious vitality... Once they die there is no mind-upload salvation into some fake Ai-singularity... No... Their shriveling fragments that had the potential to become a worthy soul will need to be protected by the Oversoul by, effectively, placing them all into a spiritual box-of-safety for the unworthy thUg-fragments. The selfrighteous H. capensis leaders of Freemasonry are too dumb to figure-out God's multidimensional design for growing worthy souls and to filter-out the unworthy shriveled fragments from the worthy physical timelines.


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