Dr John Hall - "Voice of god" Weapon - Can They Read Your Thoughts
Once a Manchurian candidate is implanted there is no need for date-rape drugs... She is an instant sex-slave and will not remember a thing and not even lose the sense of time while instantly unconscious... Luciferians are in control of the brainchip technology. Medical Mafia covertly implant anyone sleeping in a hospital where Luciferians and Masonic-assassins like to hide and murder.
Dr. John Hall wrote the book "A New Breed" but you will not get the real truth about the brainchip-hivemind from him... he must know... he must be hiding the real technology and just giving tid-bits to protect the vulnerabilities of the hivemind from "the goyim."
What I notice is that Hall just lightly identifies brainchips as a problem... yet it makes total sense that an interface must be installed in order to have a precise synaptic monitoring to "read thoughts... But Hall goes off into left field as well as Knight about no interface needed. Signals are beamed into genetic signatures.... BS!
This is similar to Dr. Robert Duncan https://ugetube.com/watch/vent....ura-exposes-dr-rober Duncan is a JGoat, but in order to gain a following goats always need to start with truthful things.
Hall and Duncan even teamed up together. What this mean is critical thinking is required while listening. The brainchip likely was used to heterodyne his patient.
What is Heterodyning? It is remote-controlling the brainchipped zombie.
Even in Duncan's first whistleblowing paper... he avoids the need for brain interfaces.
If the computer-brain-interface was not needed, then the wwCult would not have put so much effort into it's redevelopment under the guidance of Homo capensis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUpj1FBAomw
source: https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-j....ohn-hall-quot-voice-

It would seem that they would take into consideration the 'other' ones that are hearing voices too. There may be some connection to the outside voices that they're hearing! I appreciate what has been done, but don't simply discard the other occurrences as the term schizophrenia. Why would it not be possible of some kind of outside interference?? Evil is real as we've all come to know...