Look up! They are spraying us like bugs. (2020 documentary) Hibbeler Productions
Look up! They are spraying us like bugs. (2020 documentary) Hibbeler Productions
Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... - https://xephula.com/blogs/406213/Trump-patriot-friendly-free-speech-social-media-video-sites-list

Nano metals are used by the nano-bots that Carrie Madej claimed to have treated in some strange outbreak: https://ugetube.com/watch/thre....e-levels-of-gov-039- So the geo-engineering may be a lie to hide the contamination of the food-chain with nano-metals for nano-bots injected by the jab.
The hydro-gel that is claimed to be in the jab may be a slow release of metals for slow build-up of toxins within the jabbed sheep.
Now, the Tower-of- Babel is the "great-work" of Freemasonry and in order for the brainchip-hivemind to function, magnetic nano-particles need to be inside the body... so the food chain may also be contaminated by the chemtrails in order to help the hivemind function. http://TOB.ezyro.com/