The Dimming: Geoengineering Documentary Exposes The Truth About What they are Spraying in the Sky
Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Over 75 years ago global powers committed the planet and populations to a climate engineering experiment from which there is no return. The intentional dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, has and is causing catastrophic damage to the planet's life support systems. The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing geoengineering operations is also inflicting unquantifiable damage to human health. Why aren’t scientists or official sources disclosing the ongoing climate engineering operations? Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed to continue? The Dimming documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

The real killer is radiation, this whole push by the globalists is because radiation is destroying the entire world and soon everyone will realize it, all the trees are dying in plain sight and no one seems to even notice, 1 million dead species since fukushima, extinction level event but people keep looking at anything but that. Jesus is soon to return because of the invisible force of radiation, as it is written in the bible, but people just want to "see" things instead of believing...

I have a report on this IPCC on Geoengineering, full report,