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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, May 7, 2024, Jim and Gaddy; Hiroshima Revisited, Michael Palmer; Fake News; DMSO

nosixmillion - 220 Views
Published on 07 May 2024 / In People and Blogs

*** Jim and Michael Gaddy
(Comments from “V”): Gaddy must be different with his substack podcasts and the shows he does on rbn. Have probably listened to 100 of his shows on rbn and he does call out the jews occasionally he calls them chicken swingers and he does not believe in the 6 million. I have never heard him say anything really bad about Uncle H. He also talks about Pearl Harbour being a setup. He’s probably almost 80 because he talks about being in the military with the NSA during the late 60`s. He was on duty the day the Liberty got sunk; so he once did work for military intelligence. On Uncle H’s birthday, he did a show with this guy and I thought it was pretty good.
*** Hiroshima and Atomic Power
Comments from “V”: At Hiroshima, we are told that 15,000 tons equivalent of TNT airbursted approx. 820 metres ( HALF A MILE) away from the bank ; but yet it survived intact and opened up for business a couple of days later. This is a right angle calculation based upon the airburst height of 600 m and the distance to the bank from ground zero being 1800 ft (550m). Like the bad guy would say to Maxwell Smart - “I find that hard to believe unless the city had been actually firebombed.” This building is still standing today as a memorial. By Aug. 8 the surviving clerks, with support from other branches, went back to work and the bank reopened
*** Hiroshima Revisited, Michael Palmer -
*** Owen Benjamin - Nuclear Bomb Hoax, May 6, 2024
*** Motive for false news, especially the nuclear issue/cold war
*** False info about Ivermectin, DMSO
Amandha Vollmer -
About DMSO - (Comments from ‘V’) I have been using it as a foot detox by adding it to water in a bucket with salt and putting my feet in for years. This guy from this channel really likes it and has a real funny testimony which is attached. The title will make sense once you listen to it. If this got out, the price of DMSO might really go up LOL. DMSO REVEALS EMBEDDED FOREIGN THREADS - 5 minutes- his email is at the end of the video if yu have any questions.

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