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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Aug 16, 2024, Cat Update; Pastor Baldwin, Voting; US Sanctions; Hiroshima; Informed Priest

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Published on 16 Aug 2024 / In People and Blogs

*** Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Aug 15, 2024: Yet it’s not just Americans who have given themselves over to political gods, however. Evangelical Christians, seduced by electoral promises of power and religious domination, have become yet another tool in the politician’s toolbox.For instance, repeatedly conned into believing that Republican candidates from George W. Bush to Donald Trump will save the church, evangelical Christians have turned the ballot box into a referendum on morality. Yet in doing so, they have shown themselves to be as willing to support totalitarian tactics as those on the Left. [Emphasis added] This was exactly what theologian Francis Schaeffer warned against: “We must not confuse the Kingdom of God with our country. To say it another way, ‘We should not wrap Christianity in our national flag.’” Equating religion and politics, and allowing the ends to justify the means, only empowers tyrants and lays the groundwork for totalitarianism. This way lies madness and the certain loss of our freedoms. If you must vote, vote, but don’t make the mistake of consecrating the ballot box.
*** US Sanctions Policy: Too Much Collateral Damage? F. Andrew Wolf, Jr. (IHR News & Comment)
Sixty percent of low-income countries have been economically punished by the US, an in-depth report by the Washington Post has claimed. More than a third of the world’s nations are feeling the adverse effects of some form of US sanctions. Furthermore, the burden has become such that even the bureaucrats in Washington can no longer handle the workload of maintaining such a complex web of economic penalties … Currently, sanctions imposed by the US are three times that of any other country. These penalties target “a third of all nations with some kind of financial penalty on people, properties or organizations,” the newspaper noted … History tells us that US sanctions often fall short of their intended objective … The Biden administration’s plan to punish Russia for its invasion of Ukraine has produced dismal results.
*** Hiroshima Bombing Did Not Lead to Japanese Surrender, Historians Argue M. Carney - ABC (Australia) (IHR News and Comment)
The world changed forever when a US bomber dropped the first atomic bomb (?) on the Japanese city of Hiroshima 70 years ago. The Americans said they took the drastic step to put an early end to World War II and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of US soldiers, but this official narrative is now being overturned ... Many historians say the bombings did not lead to the Japanese surrender, and the Soviet declaration of war on Japan two days later was a bigger shock .... America believed the shock and awe of the devastating power of the new bombs would force Japan into surrender, but experts say inside Japan it was viewed differently. The Americans had already destroyed 66 Japanese cities with a massive fire bombing campaign. In just one night, 100,000 civilians were killed in Tokyo.
*** A Priest Speaks - Fr James Rupert Russell Mawdsley is a traditionalist Catholic priest who before seminary was a prisoner of conscience in Burma. He is a dual citizen of the United Kingdom and Australia.
Lublin/Madjanek Concentration Camp Research -
*** Jews? We’re still responsible for what we do.
*** Invaders Able To Get Loans, but Americans Can't

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