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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Mar 21, 2025, EMJ,Jim&Diane, DachauPriests; Whites; Trump; Christianity&AH

nosixmillion - 28 Bekeken
28 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 21 Mar 2025 / In Mensen en blogs

*** EMJ, Jim and Diane -
Jim Rizoli: EMJ is dead wrong about Dachau. There weren't that many priest in the camp compared to everyone else. Why were they in Dachau, not because they were Catholic but because they were considered a dissidents and Communist collaborators making them a threat to the German Govt. So to say they were there in the camp because being Catholic in nonsense. Why weren't ALL the priest put in Dachau? They weren't Communist thats why. They worked along with Hitler not against him. Only wayward priest and other protestant ministers were sent to Dachau. The Church today has not lost their Communist Jewish leanings. They have been infiltrated by Godless Communist Jewish viewpoints. Yet EMJ wants us all to become Catholic.....LOL sorry I'll stick to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Not a Communist Jewish leaning Church. By the way you Church hates you but you still are an apologist for them, go figure.
E. Michael Jones: Jim Rizoli insists on baseless claims which I have already refuted. His "scholarship" is driven not by research or reason but by his animus against the Catholic Church.
Jim Rizoli to E. Michael Jones: I have presented my case as well as other people to show your view if Dachau is wrong but you refuse to look at the information. Would you like me to send it again in case you missed it.
DianeKAKRKing to E. Michael Jones: Regarding Jim, you declared he didn't read. We discussed that THAT was wrong and you said you'd apologize. You did NOT, to our knowledge.
EMJ - regarding the Polish priests, Dachau and the revered (despised) jew-controlled Fr Lenz, we can provide our information again, which you formerly BLEW OFF. Also Australian Christian Fascist produced 2 videos and irrefutable info you also BLEW OFF. I can send those to you again too (below). Oh, by the way, regarding NS and Christianity:
Australian Christian Fascist (Chris) - EMJ
Part 1, Jan 26, 2024 -
Part 2, Jan 28, 2024 - [show less]
E. Michael Jones to Jim Rizoli: No, thanks. I've already dealt with it.
E. Michael Jones to DianeKAKRKing: The priest's name is Lenz and the claim that he was "Jew controlled" stems from your mind, not reality. If you can't even spell his name right, why should I accept your accusations against him? The Australian Christian fascist provided evidence that the Gestapo did not like Catholics, which is hardly earthshaking news. Why are we rehashing this now? Is it because your scholarship is driven by hatred of the Catholic Church? That seems to be the only plausible explanation. [show less]
Jim Rizoli to E. Michael Jones: The Catholic Church is presenting a FALSE gospel, that is what we hate.
I have NO problem with the Catholic people, just your Church. Your information on Lenz is still wrong. You never addressed that issue.
DianeKAKRKing to E. Michael Jones: No you have NOT dealt with Jim or me or Christ - you just insult us, disparage us then blatantly BLOW US OFF, claiming you haven't dealt with the Dachau Priests or our issues. Ironically, y'all believe in 'Lent', so it could be considered a play on words. You're being 'jewy' to criticize my typo. You had no intention of dealing with the issues we present whether I misspelled "lenz" or not. Likely the GESTAPO (actually comparably the "jesuit" arm of the NS) disliked dealing with catholics because they had to constantly arrest them for their political activities - violation of the CONCORDAT and Lenz was an egregious offender. Regarding my feelings about the catholic church, I had to commend Pope Pius IX, the pope of the time for his working with Hitler in the Third Reich. Your hatred, sir, of dealing with info that opposes you colors your own 'scholarship,' like yellow journalism.
*** Whites Are Oppressors, Mar 20, 2025 Natick is a town next door to my previous town of Framingham, MA
*** How’s Trump doing? How do the crazy liberals react?
Gov Healey (MA) “It’s Terrible”, Trumps education executive order (cuts).
*** Christianity and NS Germany/AH

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