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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Feb 22, 2025, Phil,Sitter; Trump, Gov Clash; VaxAutism; DOGE; FEMA; EMJ; Ryan; Jim’s 10 Hoax Video

nosixmillion - 135 Bekeken
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gepubliceerd op 22 Feb 2025 / In Mensen en blogs

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Understanding National Socialism – It’s foundation, what it really stood for, opposed, and why
Posted on 04/18/2013by justice4germans (SEE BELOW)

National Socialism was a “Weltanschauung” or ‘world view’ which sought to combine and preserve the racial-ethnic-cultural-spiritual-linguistic solidarity amongst the German people as a unified nation “the Volk” which is intimately bound to it’s own soil. Hence ‘National’. But ‘Socialist’, as we shall see, was never to be confused with Marxist doctrine, but rather, referred to the true, original, ancient German socialism. Furthermore, National Socialism was Christian in nature and to its core, based upon principles of ‘Positive Christianity’ with a focus on the family and upon community morals, values, ethics, and standards, through true essentially ‘brotherly love in action and deeds’, not just philosophy, and also not in the spirit of liberal ‘egalitarianism’ and ‘internationalism’ or Communist universalism. It was about recreating a Germany for Germans, which put them and their needs above all else, with Germans in control, and with each committed to this, for their own interests, and their collective benefit. Hence, the words of the German anthem “Deutschland Ueber Alles”, was never about ‘expansionism’ into foreign territory, or an aggressive foreign policy, much less any desire to “take over the world”, but patriotic devotion to the land and the people “Das Volk”, with a desire, if possible, to re-unite the German tribes in a new German Empire. But NOT, however, at the high price of war which Hitler knew too well.

National Socialism was a ‘revolution’ which manifested itself in the wake of World War I and in response to the oppressive dictates of the Treaty of Versailles which had been imposed by the allies, resulting in loss of territory and population, and not long afterwards, an influx of oppressed and terrorized German refugees from the former German territories. It was also a response to the subsequent advent of the liberal-democratic, Marxist-Socialist inspired Weimar Republic, and all of the political, economic, social and cultural ills which befell Germany thereafter. International interference also led to deep internal political divisions, social chaos and disorder, cultural decay, the impoverishment of the masses to the benefit of the minority, as well as, a general state of powerlessness domestically, in terms of being able to affect change and stability. But also a state of powerlessness internationally, with loss of sovereignty and total inability to assert and protect its sovereignty in a hostile European environment. The world wide anti-Germanism which had started in the late 19th century and was exacerbated by war time atrocity propaganda also still abounded in the world.
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(SEE BELOW in email or just check the article)
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