Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Mar 19, 2025, TrevorNS; Jim&Jews; Jim&RyanDawson; GypsyFox&RyanMessano; VAX Victims; SwissBank; Suing Drs; AI; Tariffs; Hoax#s
*** Trevor Labonte’s NS Germany Summary - “At the very bottom of the truther rabbit hole, it becomes apparent that ‘Nazis’ are just a propaganda invention used to demonize populist nationalism. The actual historical German NSDAP were nothing like they are depicted in Hollywood films. No one was ever gassed. Meanwhile, in Russia, around 1914-1917, the government was overthrown by the Bolsheviks, and the true historical record has documented that the new Marxist government was at least 85% Jewish. They were doing the same thing in Germany. There was a shooting war in the streets, with communists taking over cities, including the capitol, Berlin, and flying the hammer and sickle flag over them. Then, years later, after Hitler was elected, he campaigned tirelessly for peace, and WWII was forced on him by the corrupt, bankster-controlled British government, who responded to Hitler’s generous peace proposals with RAF air raids.” (Diane - The ALLIES were the ENEMIES, NOT Germany!)
*** Jim and the Jews in Framingham, MA
*** Jim Rizoli BLASTS Ryan Dawson, Brexit #35, (Circa Apr 2018, REMAKE July 2, 2020), Mar 19, 2025
*** Gypsy Fox, Ryan Messano, Free Masonry, Astrology
*** Covid VAX victims - Long Covid Awareness People - Short on Brains, Mar 17, 2025
*** The Bank of International Settlements (Switzland) One of the ‘mother ships’
Our mission: Our mission is to support central banks' pursuit of monetary and financial stability through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks.
*** Suing doctors - (especially for VAX damage/deaths) - good luck!!!
*** Call Centers - AI operators; DOGE resulting in job loss
*** Tariffs - consumer to bear the brunt of the increased costs.
*** Holohoax - jews increase declared dead to 11 million (6 million jews, 5 million nonjews); 1.5 million children, which is inconsistent with the jew-declared deaths - (if they have killed kids deliberately 15yo and under, they would have killed ALL of them or NONE of them).