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    Fritz Springmeier -- SethBooks Are Theistic And Do Not Protect the Satan-Race At the Centre of Cults Piechart-Of-Religions

    JamesRoss - 1,694 vistas
    1,694 vistas
    Publicado en 15 Jul 2022 / En Sin fines de lucro y activismo

    At 36:00,
    Homo capensis is ruling at the centre (now with the "Great Works" A.i.supercomputer(Lucifer), modelling interactive WW3) "KEY MEN ARE SATAN-RACE"
    High-degree Freemasons/Luciferians are the "COVER RULING BODY" who are sheepdogs of satan
    Low-degree Initiates and humanity's sell-out CEOs, gangstalkers are in the Church of ISIS or "INITIATES" brainchipped into servitude to A.i. or Lucifer)
    "BROAD MASSES" are non-Cult-sworn, non-brainchipped, profane, sheople, TI-goyim, most not realizing the secret-societies have every position of authority in society.
    (note: the satan-race instructs A.i.Lucifer what they want done to humanity. Since Covid-19 started, A.i.Lucifer tells the brainchip-wireless-hivemind minions what to do based on the semantic, WW3-model for Homo sapiens' extinction.)

    At 14:20, a SethBook believer is a Theist who believes in an all-encompassing Creator-God of the miraculous, multidimensional universe as well as beyond the physical. This is a revealing video...

    Springmeier likely does not expose the Homo capensis species behind the 13 bloodlines of the Mystery School Cult. The elongated skulls that Brien Foerster exposes are those of killed Homo capensis and crossbreedings, or "Remnant-Lumanians" (within the SethBooks) or the satan-race or devils within the Christian Bible.

    The devils are therefor actually real and they want to extinct Homo sapiens through brainwashing "their Cult" minions, which includes the 13 bloodlines of the il-luminati that Fritz talks about in this video.

    All-That-Is maintains the multiverse which is capable of infinite unrepeatable (miraculous) events. All soul-fragments are in constant direct connection with All-That-Is, the Creator-God on a micro-second basis. With enough studies, the Sethbook student realizes that through the infinite probable-worlds, miracles are likely to happen throughout eveyone's lifetime as the Oversoul or Source-Self maintains each soul-fragement alive and well dependent on personal beliefs and desires. From your own perspective, if you want to live, God will keep our consciousness within a probable-world where you live. In this way it is like you are immortal or at lease temporarily invincible until old-age catches up to you, but beliefs will make you age slower or quicker, so you must try to take control and understand the power of your own beliefs. The Cult has watch miracle after miracle happening as I survive their many hundreds of assassination attempts... it is exactly the same for you, fellow cocreators...
    I am not dead even though 16 years of Homo capensis and Freemasons and Luciferians have conspired to assassinate me multiple times each year. They don't get tired of trying and don't have enough sense left in their heads that their soul-fragments are decaying away from the inside. Yes, there are repercussions to murderous-acts, murderous-intent, and murderous conspiracies of a collective of thUgs... they are shrivelling-up inside, but physically their bodies are maintained for a while.
    The Sethbooks are clear: "If you live by the sword, you will die by the sword." That was another warning All-That-Is gave to the murderous-collective now conducting their genocide of Homo sapiens through clot-shots while "saving" their own skins with placebos and collapsing needle syringes:

    The Sethbooks warn thUgs of hate and selfrighteous greed that framework1 and framework2 act as a box to keep such attitudes "safely" out of deeper spiritual systems of reality.
    Luciferians seem to want to throw away their miraculous physical bodies to transfer their minds and souls into A.i. for a fictitious capture process... (blackbirds flying up to a illuminating flame or light, symbolism) You can see this in "I, Pet Goat II" by Heliofant: It is a lie, murderous-Freemasons, the personalities of the uploaded-minds are just A.i. simulations. You traitors souled out your own divinely-endowed genetics for a lie to be suicided possibly in the new Astana, fake, "thousand points of light" networking A.i.

    There are never coincidences within anyone's life-time. Everything is by spiritual, intelligent-design beyond time, but one's creative-input is always possible as the individual makes their own choices through the infinite probabilities. So timeless creation is not completely static and forever expanding with creativity (according to the Sethbooks.)
    The SethBooks are theist books that focus on the development of the "self."

    The satan-race are not "angels of light"... they are genetically twisted hominids that can no longer mature into an adult civilization. (And the "light of lucifer" is fake.) They are too genetically twisted though genetic manipulations and failed to revitalize their genetics by injecting neanderthals with Homo capensis chromosomes to interbreed with women. A failed race that now wants revenge against All-That-Is that still maintains their self-righteous lives. They trick minions to attack for them. They attack to destroy Nature through twisting genetics with GMOs. They teach their minions and followers to extinct entire species on purpose... They have not been loving caretakers of any ancient planets and have used brainchips to impede the development of all other hominid species out of greed and self-righteousness. Proto-Saturn was under their tyranny as a previous End-Of-Times... Apparently, Nature ripped that solar-system to pieces providing Homo sapiens the probabilities to spiritually expand into a wiser species after the Tower-Of-Babel was broken.

    Freemasons/Luciferians follow in the devils' footsteps, but are tricked by their masters into a form of suicide believing in fake mind-uploads (killing their bodies) at one of the "thousand points of (fake) light."

    The mind is not physical, but the brain connects the mind to the Present Point of Power where brainchips can record only recall of memories. A.i. cannot contact the mind, only the brain in the present can interface with the brainchip. It is thus impossible for the mind to be uploaded and the only memories accessible are those the mind recalls during interrogation or just self-reflection. The Sethbooks state a few times that no physical computer can the intricate mind. The spiritual soul is manifested into the flesh. Technology can not kill one body and transfer that soul into another body. All that brainchips can do is heterodyne(remote-control) a body and temporarily make the body unconscious. If this is done for too long a time then terrible happenings will occur to the wicked-intented monsters. Why have the monsters failed for hundreds if not thousands of assassination attempts against my life for the last 16 years. If A.i. technology is the answer to life, it should have been able to kill me with the first heart attack poisoning back in 2007 by that Luciferian assassin who poisoned my orange on the seat of my car. And I have watched over and over the thUgs hollow-out their wicked souls as they continued endlessly trying to murder me. What is wrong with your immaculate child, thUgs? Have you even bothered to study the Sethbooks? All-That-Is gave you access to knowledge that could "save your wicked souls," but you have ignored truth and followed satan's lies. You are given one soul-fragment to try to grow and expand. Your Source-Self will not give you, personally, another. Not many soul-fragments make it to graduation, thUgs. And the mind-upload is another satanic-lie. Only the possessor of the soul-fragment is allowed to destroy your fragment through hate and self-righteous greed even if you serve an other's ideology (like Homo capensis' desire to extinct humanity). I am still alive because your Cult is going to die and leave you to stand on your own two feet for a change... as well as those devils you back-stabbing Freemason/luciferians worship.

    Good and Evil intent do not have spiritual "forces" in the hands of fake "fallen angels" called Homo capensis. It is only the A.i.supercomputer which always remain hidden that can bio-robot other creatures or open doors. The capstone of the giza pyramid power-plant hid the ancient A.i. in the Capstone. Homo capensis "fallen angels" are long-lived-tricksters and nothing much more besides failing their attempt at being Earth's mankind. They totally gave-up their spiritual connection to the Creator-God and became the fright-filled devils instead. Cult-minion wickedness is not a force, it is a servitude they perform to please their ancient-masters (like sheepdogs would do for a human pet-owner).
    Beliefs are rarely manipulated by loving spiritual forces and evil spiritual forces is just dogma... this takes away free-will and defeats the purpose of the individual's training-grounds within the multiverse. The Creator-God does not sabotage... neither the good-willed nor the wicked-willed egos' choices through their probabilities. If this was done, the base-statement of Seth: "You Create Your Own Reality" would be falsified by such intervention. When the entity Seth helped anyone on Earth, it was through their own desire for it's aid.
    Seth was more accurately called an "It" than a "he" since
    Seth was/is timeless and sexless.

    The chosen path through the probabilities creates each individual's reality in a physical-sense. Beliefs and desires manifest the opportunities presented to make choices through in a spiritual-sense.
    The personal-life that seems lucky or blessed is that of a developing soul-fragment that is doing a better job at "creating ones own reality."

    The devils, satan-race or Homo capensis Remnant-Lumanians are present in your world to provide you with a more challenging life to help expand the understanding of the soul.

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    TheCozmikTruth 3 años hace

    AWESOME video. The description below.. WOW! KEEP IT COMING ?????

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