FESIG 90th Cirsten W of 'Intel Drops' exposing CCP-CIA operatives 7 July 2021
On the 7th of July, 2021, Crystal commenced the 2nd session of the 90th FESIG Meeting introducing Cirsten Weldon - "Inspired from her experiences as a model and actress, as well as from her personal faith and political worldview. She lived a very interesting and, to some, coveted, childhood. Her father was the Chairman of the Singapore Stock Exchange and her mother a Cambridge-educated attorney. At 14, she left her very affluent family in Singapore to go to boarding school. It was a tough decision for a young girl, but one she has never regretted. As she says in Singaporean Thoughts, it gave her a strong foundation to do her Second Book #inteldrops#1 Best Seller which is info that is behind the scenes what is really happening behind the Election Fraud and Reinstatement of our President."
Cirsten W began by explaining how Amazon attempted to destroy her book, ‘Intel Drops’, as it exposes a lot of things they don’t want to be known. Amazon censored the book and destroyed the 200 odd 5 star reviews, she had 456 reviews! It was no.1 on 3 platforms and then it just disappeared! Although the book is still available on Kindle.
Intel Drops was dedicated to Donald Trump. Cirsten discovered her protégé, Mel K who did a lot of digging to help bring the intel out… She went on to talk about the book exposing the most corrupt attorney in the US, Mr. Andrew Weissmann, Ilhan Omar, the Jewish attorneys with pictures, Jack Ma of Alibaba, Ee Tiang, who gave paedophile Hunter millions of dollars, the extraction of adrenochrome from the children by the Clintons, top defector in China, Dong Chiang Wei, a top security officer that worked with Admiral Rogers who was the Head of the NSA and Secretary Pompeo - If Donald Trump isn’t in charge of the country why would there be 20 over SUVs when he went to the border? Biden does not have anything close to that! Why would Secretary Pompeo be meeting 32 corrupt governors and only 18 good ones out of 56 to show them all the information from the servers against them and why would they go into the Pentagon? General Flynn is in control of all the arrests…700 CIA operatives in the US, Europe and the EU and the CIA is cracking… The CIA created CNN, called the CNN syndrome and that’s to brainwash you…so CNN controls Newsweek which controls Amazon, that destroyed her book. They don’t care about anything else but control! And they try to cancel you! The she talked about the Evergreen which has weather warfare Op, weather weapons, with 1368 dead children on it, and more… She disclosed the latest updates - The Chinese Patriot intel – the CCP highest level defector, what’s beneath the 3 Gorges Dam, GESARA-NESARA roll-out and the RV, and more when prompted with our Q&A session co-chaired by James Rink and Fraz Frazzle with attendees asking a lot of good questions. Watch the whole video for more details…
After the Q&A session co-chaired by James and Fraz, Crystal adjourned this 2nd session to the 3rd session.
Cirsten’s sites:
Brought to you by Crystal Goh and the FESIG Team.
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