Enochual777 Explains "How Did You Become A Target Individual With Gangstalking thUgs After You 24/7?" Monitorying Thoughts via Brainchips
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s_QildC9Os
The program operates like this: https://ugetube.com/watch/gang....stalking-exposure-ef
The first thing they do is arrange a covert brainchipping. The brainchip that Elon Musk is selling you is a lie, the real brainchip works the way Polina Anikeeva describes as for the future, but that is the tech in use since the Rambo-chip in the Vietnam-war... This is ancient tech from the Satan-race or Homo capensis: https://ugetube.com/watch/poli....na-039-s-magnetic-pu
This toddler is bio-roboted by brainchip: https://ugetube.com/watch/cute....-3-year-old-chinese- https://ugetube.com/watch/brai....nchipped-chinese-boy

"The friends who sold out to the Freemasons or Eastern-Stars, Mormons, JWs, Rosicrucian, Scientologist, etc., snitched on you." actually serve the rebuilt Tower-of-Babel tob.ezyro.com The thUg-network did not like me handing out thousands of CDs exposing their corruption: 911CD2005.unaux.com
This is who and what they want: https://ugetube.com/watch/will....iam-cooper-mb-19-68t
This is how the Cult thinks: https://ugetube.com/watch/will....iam-cooper-exposed-m