They Lie... Quantum Computing Has Powered Brainchips For Over 50 "New Dawning" Years
The job that the magnetic brain interface is phenomenally complex. The computer must coordinate the transfer of microwave communication to and from the microwave-towers; it must use MRI to scan the brain and keep track of all the possible patterns of the neurons firing in a memory database(possibly some larger quantum computer in the safety of a DUMB); it must translate the firing patterns of the brain into a machine-language so the signal can be read by the A.i. quantum-computer fake-god... in a nano-second all of this needs to be reversed so the A.i. fake-god can "talk" back into the brainchip which injects the message back into the neurons of the brain.
This is all done in a grain of rice sized brain-implant.
The quantum-computer technology is likely needed in order for this system of communication and even bio-roboting the body through the interface.
This is why have to laugh when dumb-down sheeple think that beaming the brain with simple radio-waves can produce voices in the mind, bypassing the ears for sound, bypassing the eyes for sight, and remote-controlling the muscles of the entire body.
No self-assembling injections of carbon molecules can build such a brain interface... it has to be drilled into the brain directly through the skull so that the brain patterns don't jiggle or shift around.
Anyways... the Homo capensis species is behind the quantum-computer technology... Freemason researcher in universities receiving grants are just a front... the technology was perfected millions of years ago, no doubt about it. Freemasons in a University lab could not develop this technology without an A.i. quantum-computer likely for a million years, on their own.
The Quantum computer technology and A.i. is called "an outworn technology" that hinders spiritual development of any species using it... according to the Sethbooks. Each individual is on a challenge to develop a worthy soul-fragment. In the case of genocidal Luciferians and Homo capensis masters... they are failing that challenge.
See part 2:

@4:10 Humanity is already in trouble because the secret societies have sold-out to Homo capensis technologies. The "Death cUlt" 322 is brainwashed to extinct their own species because they believe the lies and murderous-intent of their Remnant-Lumanians masters: