Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross Switzerland Core of the evil - A Truth Soldier Message -
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Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross shows that Switzerland is the world wide Nazi Zionist Banksters center of evil.. They are not neutral at all....I am now going to attempt to write a review of the last piece of the puzzle that good truth loving humanity has been searching for...
This is it.. Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross has done it . He has risked his life to do this for humanity and his life is still very much in danger...
It will require intelligent people to spend many days viewing the videos below to comprehend that those who control and create digital money are insane.
Which is why I have said "Truthers always sound insane when telling what the insane are doing" that is why sane people have not been able to stop the insanity that has gripped this planet..
For the sane can not comprehend that such world wide organized insanity has jeopardized the future of this planet.
The insanity will not stop until humanity starts to seek truth and then spread those seeds of truth.
You will fully comprehend the insanity when you take the time to watch all the videos below and hear what Dr.Sdf. Sean Hoss is revealing.
The doctor speaks four languages and has done these videos in French, German and English and on other language. Below are only the English ones.
Please go to his Youtube channel and download everything and you are free to re-upload them under Creative Commons licensing..
Please spread his truth before they kill him.. The more attention he gets the less likely the Swiss will kill him..
Daniel J Towsey A Truth Soldier