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Dr. David Martin Detailing Constitutional, (and other) Crimes by the CDC, Fauci, and Many Governors During CoronaVirus - Covid 19 Situation

Adrian Frank
Adrian Frank - 8,549 Vues
8,549 Vues
Publié le 01 May 2020 / Dans

This video has an incredible amount of data and important, vital information that clearly shows terrible constitutional and other crimes by the CDC, Fauci, and many governors across America.

They are VIOLATING our Constitutional rights by trying to order people to stay at home. David Martin shares proof of this, and some VERY important background on how the CoronaVirus info that has been given us has been shrouded in unending and blatant lies and false news and false statistics.

David Martin owns the rights to this video. I am merely sharing this to help get the word out. This needs to go viral. We cannot be sheep anymore, and we cannot allow ourselves to be uninformed (manipulated and brainwashed by leftist mainstream media) anymore! Think for yourself, and stop buying the lies!

Here is the PDF he shares that is largely a transcript of this video, that also has a template letter that you can send to your governor (filling in your particular governor's name and info):

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1 commentaires sort Trier par

lsteeves85 4 années depuis

How do we print the letter off?

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VictoriaPie 4 années depuis

i clicked on it and sent to my email

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