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The Vril live deep underground in and below military DUMBS all over the world, and have been here for thousands of years. They have agreements with the US Government & Military to share the D

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 134 Views
Published on 31 May 2024 / In People and Blogs

The Vril live deep underground in and below military DUMBS all over the world, and have been here for thousands of years. They have agreements with the US Government & Military to share the DUMBS and experiment on humans in exchange for advanced technology.

The Vril are a parasitic lizard species that can take over a human’s consciousness in a process known as “soul scalping” or as Rosanne Barr referred to as “droning”.

The parasite goes into the eye, wraps around the optic nerve (causing a black eye) until it completely takes over the human consciousness. You know many celebrities and politicians who belong to the “Black Eye Club”.

Research whistleblowers William Tompkins, Donald Marshall and Phil Schneider.

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