Dominion Voting shares office floor with far-left George Soros linked group-dominion-voting-shares-office-floor-with-far-left-george-soros-linked-group
Interesting 10 min journalism by Rebel News as Keean Bexte visits the Toronto headquarters of Dominion Voting Systems to try and ask some questions about the organization's involvement in the 2020 American election as well as why they are located on the very same floor as Tides Canada (now Make Way ) a left-leaning organization that channels many funds through it including over $22,000,000 from George Soros in recent years. They are blocked from finding any more info but do find that the building is being guarded by a paid policeman and from the building manager, that Dominion and Tide had both requested their names be removed from the plaques on the entrance area. You can follow Rebel News here:,
PS. I found the connection to Soros here :
"Smartmatic created the Dominion software. Smartmatic is run by Lord Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros."

Why are our nation's voting managed by foreign businesses?