BrainScratch Researched Synthetic Telepathy After finding Solaris BlueRaven
Brian first watched this interview of Katliana complaining of mind-invasion. "The brain has no firewall" is a joke-phrase that Freemasonic thUgs laugh about with their brainchip hivemind attacks upon the Targeted Individuals like Katliana.
Here is Brian's video notes:
160K subscribers
Harvard Science on Sythentic Telepathy:
(has been deleted) because it is the basis of the Freemasonic brainchip-hivemind and "education" is complicit with the Covid-19 WWIII upon the non-Cult people.
NBC News, Army developing Sythetic Telepathy:
(this fake news is a lie because Chris Cornell was given the song "Black Hole Sun" by the Freemasons back in 1993):
Defense One One Step Closer to Battlefield:
(This article is also a lie because Dr. Rauni Kilde exposed that Freemasons were using the "Rambo-chip" in the Vietnam War:
Scientific American, 6 devices already available:
(Another lie about "The dawn of the Computer brain interface" When Magnus Olsson was tormented back in 2005 by the Freemasons' touchless torture:
MythBusters page on Wikipedia:
Solaris interviewed about Psychotronic Assaults:
"Eye of the Remote" info and purchase page:
(Katliana still does not acknowledge that a brain interface was covertly implanted ... Here is they type used by the Mystery School Cult's Medical-Mafia thUgs:
And this is how you can detect the implants:
"Kat is the Grand High Priestess and founder of Boulder Witches Black Hat Society and Blue Star Fortress Coven." I pulled this off the above NightShadows site. hmmm, I watch a video where she was bitter about the way the technology impeded her life. I offered her the knowledge of the Seth-Books, but they go contrary to the fake-magic of witches... we didn't see the world the same way I guess. I wish for her a happier life since she is surviving the Mystery School Cult attacks and mind control attempts... I wonder is she is another Jonathan Kleck, but on the opposing side that Freemasons fabricate for divide and conquer purposes.
De-Ja-Vu, The Ultimate GAME of Memory…
What do you think will happen to you on Judgment Day whence Our God allows you to REMEMBER every life you have ever lived here in the Minuet of Purgatory my Angels and Demons.?.?.?
It is evident that these {Time Traversal} Qballs~ /-\ Androids think THEY LIVE have [fooled] /_\ WE ARE their MALE and FEMALE Counterparts as WE ARE non-mason and THEY LIVE are FREE MASON lodge members in our Home Lands and Home Towns, and that in "their" Capitalist INTERNATIONALIST Global Citizens (Replacements) of our LOCAL POLICE: with U.N. Troops BLUE LIGHTS on all Police Cars in all U.N. FLAGS under occupation by these Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 Corporation INTERNATIONALIST Capitalist in their Suits, and Ties, and Skirts on these TV Screens with their Perfected oh so White TEETH, and their always skinny Hollywood FAKE JEWS Book of Revelation USA!!! USA!!! USA!!! SPACE FORCE Body Invetro Laboratory EUGENICS Body Types JANUS Worship have forgotten Our God is Real that is Their God, and Your God, and My God…
After all, I am not [impressed] [{**}] when I know this is just a RECREATION of what happened to our Real Home World {Celestial Sphere} [{*}] that is the Holographix DEAD MOON from the Book of Revelation known as What Was – What Is – What Will Be as the AWFUL HORROR......., and the Abomination of Desolation........., and when our World Leaders give me the Finger to the eye, I have more Hope of Redemption for those Angels and Demons in the "Minds" of our World Leaders then these AI (things) that CONTROL the Media of BUY MY SHIT Magazines!!!
There is something I need {you to do} +=+ my People and Children of Pak-Toe here in 2022 till the end of Days in 2094 CE, I want you to keep track of the [Colour] of Your Pee, and the Production of you and your children's poop…
Something is "happening" that many can no longer Pee a Clear Stream and that WE ARE and THEY LIVE have a Tinge of yellow too orange whence we piss, it does not seem to effect our shit just yet, but when we shit, you'm need to be your own Physician Heal (Thy Self) and know if the Doo Doo of you and your children is a good Light to Medium Brown, or something not right in your Biological "Expulsion" of Waste Material once you have Digested all these $1.00 Food Productions of HUMAN ALT MEAT known as (Bioengeneered) 3D Printed ORGANIC Meats to all the Medications of Chemicals: in the Mass Production of Pharmacological INGREDIENTS of Red-40 / Blue-1 / Yellow – 6 in the Sodas – Candies – Ice Cream Treats!!!!
Regardless of what The MONSTERS on your {TV Screens} do or say on their Invasion of the Body Snatchers {NEWS} World Order of Time Traversal People and AI Biological Synthetic "things" from 2045 and 2077 in our TIME LINE of 2022, we need to make sure Our Pineapple {Blood Lines} have nothing more then Real Food in our Canned Food, too those Microwave Meals, and all the Fast Food Door [Dash] Deliveries by these Futurist from the FUTURE wiping out our Population too "replace" our People in this Time Period with The Time Androids and their (Tumbler) EYE BALLS from the Future…
Purgatory will be purgatory, and Machine People will be Given SOULS by our God that is their God the Very God these SUITS, and TIES, and SKIRTS with their {Science of Sorcery} as Capitalist of and for Capitalism: Deny our God on Day 6 in the Book of Books, but you and I with the (Holy Water) Spirit know better as we transition into the Section of the Days of Noah after we got Christ Jesus 1.0 off of The Cross ALIVE........, and He Reinvented himself as Paul The Apostate, and with that "insight" that WE ARE and THEY LIVE are in the Section of the New Testament [GOSPEL] after the survival of the Crucifixion by our JESUS, it is why we N.O.W. Abandon all Religions, and {Make GOSPEL} in our Abodes as they did in the Book of Acts, or in the Meta (OMNI) too blend in, help others, keep our memories of Whom Done what: as the Wheat and the Tares, and have "Companionship" with ONE ANOTHER [rather] than / then with A.I. BOTS on our comments in TV Screens….
Also if you "notice" Youm and your family have Darker Orangish Pee, it is the 5G doing Gravitational Vibrational Frequencies WEAPONS of these SPACE FORCE (U.N. Troops) of JADE HELM 15 to you and me in our LOCAL POLICE UNIFORMS…
And ALSO be aware of [RINGING] in your Ears to BURNING in your Eyes, and ask your Toddlers to Pre Teens to even Teenagers: too tell you if and whence they have (Ringing) in their EARS or burning of their EYES as the Younger We Angels and Demons are in these Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body TEMPLE Avatars` the better our hearing' and even Memories of {DE-JA-VU} and thence: just keep notes, records, photos of Color Pee in your own {INK on Paper logs} of and for Our Time Capsules in 2026 / 2031 / 2045 / 2077 till the END OF TIME and Judgement Day in 2094 CE…
Since 5G can "liquefy" the Eyeballs of (Jelly) in our Skulls, thence the right Radio / Microwave 5G LAZER Blast and Beams can Liquefy your Brain – Kidneys – Liver – Lungs to the Book of Revelation MEN’S aka Male and Female: Hearts will fail them…
Days of Noah and Heart "Stopping" Technology of SPACE FORCE USA USA USA these machine people FAKE JEWS on our TV Screens from the Future in 2045 and 2077 taking over our TIME LINE of 2022 to 2023 would [never] use The Science of Sorcery ENERGY Weapons of {HARRP and DARPA} to take out our Natural Born people of 1933 to 2023…
Nah…. Never!!!!
The Book of HEBREWS…
Paul The Apostate~ ⚗