Biden Was Getting Lost In His Brainchip-"voices of gods" Prompts
I figured this would be a joke where Trump walks all over Biden.
"Voice of god" weapon against TIs or tool for minions:
Like Dubbya and Barak these two are also brainchipped and "helped" to sound competent( Trump can handle the brainchip messages very well like Obama could do)... But Biden was getting lost while listening to his instructions and talking at the same time. He is just getting a bit slower putting his thoughts together in his older age, that's all.
Trump can see him having trouble following his cues, but knows it can be a bit confusing... Trump doesn't laugh or ridicule his fellow Freemason.

Income tax is voluntary per the IRS Commissioner, get off the couch and look it up.

What is wrong with being productive and becoming wealthy. Is that a sin?