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Brainwashing On Netflix With "VENOM" Teaching Gangstalkers To Work With A.i. Brainchip Synthetic Voices In Their Heads Through the Microwave Grid

JamesRoss - 437 Views
Published on 12 Dec 2023 / In Technology

And you thought "VENOM" was entertainment... The Luciferians running Netflix "Enter" the ideas to "Contain" the thoughts which is "Entertain"ment. Entertainment is weaponized.
The brainchipped Targeted Individual is convinced to either to commit suicide or to join the ranks of gangstalkers helping the Freemasons and secret societies bring into being their hideous NWO of thUgs.

The entertainment "VENOM" is what goes on in a brainchipped zombie's head and collectively, A.i. can make a group of brainchipzombies into an AI swarm of undead, mindless zombies.
VENOM entertainment is training for the brainchipped sheeple who are battling in secret the intrusions of voices into their heads which they don't want others to know about because "people who hear voices in their heads are crazy." The "voices of god" weapon is part of the brainchip-takeover of Western Civilization by the treacherous Freemasons and all the other secret societies advancing their A.i. NWO takeover of planet Earth.

Even the unvoluntary movement of the body to draw pictures or write messages in auto-writing is just A.i. brainchip activity that Elon Musk's "Neuralink" is now promoting. Brainchips are for the methodical enslavement of Homo sapiens for the dominance of Homo capensis.
The Luciferians are on a death-march towards fake mind-uploads which do not really work... soul-transfer is a lie brainwashed into Luciferian beliefs.

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anoncoward 1 year ago

I'm giving thumb up because it's you and a cartoon. But it's not "gangstalking". If that were the case, the geeks and queers behind it would already be on to something new. They wander. What you are experiencing is demonic projection. If you don't know the cure for that by now...
Portals have been opened and the veil is

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JamesRoss 1 year ago

You are one of the clueless Anoncoward. You have the Mystery School cUlt playing their cartoons in your mind pushing their religious non-sense of demons in peoples heads. The brainchips have A.i. running through and guiding all of the minions and thUgs by their choice. On the other hand, the Luciferians want the sheeple (like you) to not understand their technology, so they train you and brainwash you to believe in silly demon figments of the imagination. The ancient Homo capensis have prepared the bible you are thumping to confuse you as to what the devils and satan-race is. This is the time when their game-plan springs their mouse-trap for all the virgin-thinker who believe in demons rather than puting in the time to realize what their technology can do. But then again, you have been trying repeatedly to cover-up the NWO takeover hivemind-technology, haven't you, my dear. It is the job of all Luciferians to hide their technology and keep the sheeple running in the direction that you sheepdog are barking. You support the NWO takeover either out of ignorance or by double-speaking.

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JamesRoss 1 year ago

And this is not the worst of it... Their covertly implanted magnetic brain interfaces can control the body just like "VENOM" is controlling "Eddie" on the Netflix brainwashing garbage. The remote-control brainchipzombies will soon be roaming your streets looking for brains(funny VENOM seeks brains, too) if you leave the Freemasons in control of your politics and police. In order to save your community from local collapse, you need to identify and remove the hivemind-traitors from manipulating the politics towards societal collapse. Preachers push the bible Revelations as prophesy while Luciferians are the ones using technology to push their agenda pretending it is some magic happening.

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