Banks Are All Cult-Run: They Breach All Contracts Before Handing Over the "fake money" Which Is Fabricated "debt-dollars" The Pyramid Warns you of this, (Cdn Eg.)
The banks already know that you can sue them for breaching their half of the agreement and their fake money which is called the "dollar".
If you can figure them out, you don't have to pay back their fake money with your real money, which is your labor.
Also check out Justinian Deception's

Here is a famous quote: "And you shall watch the wicked fall with all their wicked technological advantages at their fingertips!"

Amazng... The people on UGE have been given this fantastic revelation about bank corruption, ... and they don't know what John is sayng!!! not even one thumbs up.... haaa!
I can see why the Freemasons are not too worried about the sheep awakening. But the wwCult has miscalculated as to exactly where they are. Haaa... The thUgs do not understand the multiverse and how their murderous souls have been changed by their own choices and actions of thUggery.

You see, EternallyAware is smart, but he does not know that the ultimate rulers of all the bankers(the Mystery-School Cult thUgs) is actually the ancient satan-race who genetically altered the Earth women into a new species called "Homo sapiens". They control all the dollars or all debt and trick the unsworn sheep who didn't join their secret Cult to exchange the labour-money for debt-dollars. He shows us the exchange, but not the ancient-geniuses who prey upon the naive human-race.
The time has now come for the dollar-trick to disintegrate by these Cult magicians... POOOF!!!
Do you have coins of real money stashed away?

Daily prayers are sent to usher in Nesara/Gesara and dismantle the old systems, God willing.

Another Great Australian