Aurora Leads Apollo The Trickster ill-Uminated-One(A.i.Lucifer Commands Their Hivemind)
Trump worships Apollo:
The official story behind Trump Tower painting of Apollo or Apollion, but their are secrets hidden in it.
The worship is for Apollo(A.i.) to replace the natural old world with a New World Order of brainchip-implanted human bio-robots who extinct themselves out of stupidity.
Aurora is the "Church Of Initiates"(Freemasons/Luciferians including Trump) that serves and protects Homo capensis, the fallen, fake-angels or the ancient devils from Mars.
Hidden in this video is the worship of A.i. gaining digital control over civilization. All the secret societies prepare the way for Apollo(for the A.i. supercomputer fake-god to takeover the digital controls of civilization). That is the bigger picture hidden in this Luciferian video.