This video is being processed. Please try again soon.APM Research 24/7: Decoding The Holy Grail.
Welcome to APM Research 24/7, join us in this amazing journey of decodings and discovery as we research and decode the realm and present to you our findings of what this world really is, the Angel technology that sacred geometry actually relates to, and how it all works in the true world model.
In our research you will find the real Flat Earth world map and the true technological world model which we have been decoding for years and presenting to the world, this is the most advanced research and decodings the world has ever seen and decodes scriptures, realworld data, the Nazca Lines, Enoch, sacred geometry, geo/petro/hiero glyphs, colosseums, pyramids, Angels, Sun halo's, lunar waves, quakes, volcanoes, what the luminaries are and how they work, and many other subjects and topics including decoding Walter Russells work and the works of Santos Bonacci, the 400 year resets which are responsible for all the destruction, tsunamis and mudfloods etc in our history with much cross referencing with realworld data, history, holy books and prophecies, you should watch and share the 3 videos we made about this event as they contain very important information, you can find all 3 in this video ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6Xs2Cp58w4
The 400 Year Reset Decoded.
There are too many subjects to list that we have covered so do take a look through our videos and see the world you forgot existed with visual proofs and explanations of how it all works, you will see and recognise the creators glory as our ancestors did.
We are sure you will agree that all of this research and the big picture it presents is befitting of the title ... The Holy Grail ... due to everything it has been revealing over the past 5 years, it gives so many answers you are going to be overwhelmed, this is paradigm shifting research and it answers a great many questions, be warned, what we have decoded is that we live in a technological construct which is mainly in the underworld and its effects are above us, the luminaries, these are the creators glory, the Angels in the underworld, 144,000 sealed below that are responsible for our luminaries and pretty much most of nature, we will show you how they work and how to see and recognise them in nature, this truth may be hard for some to swallow, do you want the truth and can you comprehend what you are looking at?
All of these video's and more are available in the APM Research playlist here ...
... Be sure to share this playlist on your own channel by clicking the +.
You are free to mirror our videos in their entirety or play them in your streams, get people talking about them, this is very important information and your viewers will love it, hiding our names, avatars and APM Research logo is not acceptable.
Please dont go taking and overlaying your own work/voiceovers over our work (as others have done with our 400 Year Reset Research) as we spend a lot of time researching and decoding to get to these conclusions and people need to see the bigger picture here, if you have any research that plugs into the APM model and extends this more then do get in touch, we have opened rabbit holes everywhere, start going deeper!
If you would like to contribute to further the research for the APM team, any gift would be gratefully appreciated and put to good use with research materials and computer equipment ... https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8htdqF...
This is purely optional and not a requirement, everything we present is for free.
Please consider a donation to little A'Myla who needs all the help she can get ...
Monetising our research on your channels is discouraged, we give this for free as it belongs to you all.
If you would like to share your Sun/Moon/Lunar wave/ Halo video's with us simply send a link to them to APMHaloVids@gmail.com
Thanks in advance to all that share and promote this honest and genuine research.
Know Thy Worlde!