ZOOM: Rapture, tribulation, at the end we talk about poisonous pet food
Chuck Missler's Rewards and Inheritance: Session 1: This one is the most important one but there is a session 2 you can search it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKAJNRiDHVQ
My main platform: UGEtube: https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@WGON
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zoom.us for the computer and the app store for zoom cloud to use on your smart phone. You can find me on zoom using my email addy: linkirb@gmail.com. Our sessions are teachings, preaching, and fellowshipping.
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My email: linkirb@gmail or linkirb@yahoo.com
www.whatsgoingonnews.net I post news videos on my website as well as articles from around the world.

Thank you, Linda ❤️. Very interesting and scary.

I stayed to the end! the sock on Daneta's headphone made me crack up! I love the Zoomers banter!

My brother, 62, had the 1st shot - by moderna & no side effects. He and everyone at his work had the 1st one & the others had the 2nd already & no problems, so far. My brother is getting the 2nd one on the 30th of this month. I begged him not to get it but he wont listen. I know JD said today people are seeing problems even as much as 6 weeks later after the 2nd shot. Just wanted to tell you because my brother does have immuno compromised health as well but he is unusual because he eats a lot of fruits and veggies every day & always has.

Linda, thank you & Zoomers! I appreciate you all & I am fellowshiping with you!

Please pray for my sister, Chris, who has had multiple health problems, including alcoholism & she just had a surgery. Many enemas but no BM yet. If she does not have bowel sounds soon, they will have to go back in with surgery tomorrow. Please pray her bowels start working now - I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!