ZOOM: Prayers, Pastor Dana's dreams, rapture, tribulation
Pastor Dana's dream video: https://videos.utahgunexchange.....com/watch/new-warni
All news links on my UGEtube video. YT gave me a strike for not using their approved news media.
BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OsYxBxQUpJHs/
Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/linkirb1
UGEtube: https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@WGON
PLEASE DONATE TO OUR OUTREACH MINISTRY TO HELP THOSE WHO ARE SICK: PAYPAL LINK: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin..../webscr?cmd=_donatio
zoom.us for the computer and the app store for zoom cloud to use on your smart phone. You can find me on zoom using my email addy: linkirb@gmail.com. Our sessions are teachings, preaching, and fellowshipping.
https://usa.life/WGONews this is a Facebook type social media
I’m also on Parler with two accounts, WGON and linkirb
My email: linkirb@gmail or linkirb@yahoo.com

I've done that too. I had it in my hand and I couldn't find it. ???I wasn't drunk either. I promise.

Thank you Linda & Zoomers! Yes, we must pray without ceasing - for President Trump & all our leaders, for our country, etc! Yes, we all need to vote! Every person who does not vote = a vote for the dems/marxists! The platform of dems/marxists has abortion in it - the repubs dont. Yes, President Trump is very prolife. When President Trump was first elected, he wanted to stop abortion in our country but the republicans did not want to do that! There is so much President Trump has done but MSM remains silent and we can guess why! President Trump is a workaholic & when you read his accomplishments, it blows all the rest away! Vote President Trump! As far as Trump being a sinner - he can join the (Christian) crowd! We are ALL sinners! Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.