ZOOM: flu vaccines make covid worse, the church, home remedies for covid, rapture, tribulation,memes
Zoom music credits to : https://www.bensound.com
THE BEDTIME BIBLE CHAT Music by Pat Moehring accomplished orchestra pianist, Executive Director for the Charlotte Civic Orchestra.
All news links on my UGEtube video. YT gave me a strike for not using their approved news media.
BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/OsYxBxQUpJHs/
Brighteon: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/linkirb1
UGEtube: https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@WGON
PLEASE DONATE TO OUR OUTREACH MINISTRY TO HELP THOSE WHO ARE SICK: PAYPAL LINK: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin..../webscr?cmd=_donatio
zoom.us for the computer and the app store for zoom cloud to use on your smart phone. You can find me on zoom using my email addy: linkirb@gmail.com. Our sessions are teachings, preaching, and fellowshipping.
https://usa.life/WGONews this is a Facebook type social media
I’m also on Parler with two accounts, WGON and linkirb
My email: linkirb@gmail or linkirb@yahoo.com

Linda, i am unable to edit my comments.
Please remove the movie link for me.
People can find it on their own.
Even though it’s the 80’s it still has mild cussing and a couple of risqué scenes.

A few other commenters said that these were rec workout cages that the prisons used for high risk(fighting) prisoners.
I don’t believe they are for us.
I would say either an old movie set or the prison used them.

Lastly, right now, in the middle east, there are over 17 million black african slaves! There is slavery in the world! Its time for the world to fight it & help those poor souls! May God bless, protect & bring all slaves to safety, now, throughout the world & for all of this to be exposed now in the mighty, Holy & righteous name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! :)

Time for spiritual warfare! Lets all pray to Jesus Christ over the children throughout the US & the world! Lets pray over every child for protection & blessings over their lives - and their families' lives - in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Thank you Linda & Zoomers! I so look forward to Sunday & Wednesdays!