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Will We Ever Reach The Omniverse? The Kardashev Scale Type 7 Civilization

The Human Collective
Published on 28 Oct 2023 / In Science

You can’t go faster than the speed of light. That’s a fact. Einstein said that!
But what you can do is to warp spacetime around you, creating a bubble so that the bubble itself travels faster than light. This concept is very well known among sci-fi lovers, it is the Alcubierre Drive. Alcubierre was the name of the mathematician who first studied this problem from a topological point of view. However, not all mathematical results find a physical application. To find one, the computations need to comply with the limits imposed by reality. In the case of the Alcubierre’s drive, if we wanted to build one, we would need a gigantic amount of energy, because warping spacetime is no walk in the park! Think about the fact that only very massive objects like planets, stars, and black holes are capable of warping it off a noticeable amount. Of course, even the smallest grain of sand is currently warping spacetime, but its contribution is so small that, if it were the only existing object in the cosmos, the universe would be flat everywhere.
So, as you can understand, it is almost impossible to build something like an Alcubierre’s drive making use of the current technologies and resources. However, it might be that in the future, a more advanced human civilization will be able to make one. So, with just the right amount of time, we will be able to do everything we want to. The advancement of humanity seems to be unstoppable…but is it?
Type VII Civilization: Definition
In the vast expanse of the universe, there’s a scale that provides a fascinating framework for understanding the potential of civilizations based on their energy consumption and utilization capabilities.

Type VII Civilization: Definition
In the vast expanse of the universe, there’s a scale that provides a fascinating framework for understanding the potential of civilizations based on their energy consumption and utilization capabilities.

Type I: Planetary Power
On this scale, humanity is estimated to be at approximately 0.73. This places us at the lower end of a so-called Type I civilization.

Type II: Stellar Power
A Type II Kardashian civilization signifies a remarkable advancement in energy mastery as it expands its capabilities to encompass an entire star

Type III: Galactic Power
A Type III civilization is characterized by its ability to harness energy on a galactic scale.

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Credits: Ron Miller, Mark A. Garlick / ,Elon Musk/SpaceX/ Flickr
00:00 intro
00:24 alcubierre drive
1:50 type 7 advanced civilization
3:15 type 1 kardashev scale
6:02 type 2 kardashev + dyson sphere
8:08 type 3 galactic power
11:15 type 4 and beyond
12:20 back to type 7

#insanecuriosity #kardashevscale #advancedcivilization

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